
I am no expert on this, But got approved on my first time. A lot of it is a god thing, but am going to tell you what I did. I hope it helps some one. I got a head injury about 5yr ago. After that I had a lot of problems, about 3yr ago I started to have a lot of pain with anything I did. about 8mth I moved to TX. with my son and I went to SSI, I asked to see there Doc's and they made 2 app. One with a reg. doc. went to him, He spent about 2min. in the room with me, but he ran an ekg on me and had an attack of pain and show up on the ekg. The 2nd Doc. was a physiologist ran me though the ringer. I was honest with her and at the end she told me that she was going to tell them in her report that she thinks I need to be on SSI. I don't think I did anything different from any one. I showed them that I could not work even by there Doc's. I hope this helps. I hope other will share what they did to give some one new hope.

Hi Keith its suzyq what exactly did you tell the psychologist to get Sdi ive applied been denied applied for reconsideration denied I'm appealing at the alb stage which means an attorney and appearing in front of a judge

So you don't work at all the problem is I'm tinking someone at ss told me I think you could work a limited number of hours and still.receive it maybe I'm wrong but I have a friend of a friend that was prescribed a drug and the fibrous is gone and another friend is a wellness and lifestyle coach and says if I fl what she says ill be fibrofree in a year. Thanks for the info suzyq

Hi Suzyq,

I am a bit skeptical of being 'fibrofree'. It is possible to manage the symptoms so that you may suffer less and have more energy but if you have fibromyalgia there is no proven case where people are cured, at least not that I am aware of.

You are correct about disability. When you go on it you are allowed to work part time. There is a limit on how much you can make.

Hi keith,

"Congratulations" in getting disability because there's so many symptoms with fibro besides what i have Lupus and they're not being recognised to their fullest and to what they cause people in life...your old before your time.

People have been known to fight for quite a few years and then be turned down on autoimmune diseases and that's with lawyers involved plus it's a costly affair each time.


Keith, congratulations on your success. Perhaps you had someone with some compassion who made the decision. I don't know the reason but good for you! I can't understand why others are denied - this disease is a bugger! I'm starting to think I'm going to need to apply, as seem to be getting a lot worse recently, so your post is encouraging.

Boy Terri, you're not kidding about being old before your time with these diseases. And am I to understand it that you have Lupus AND Fibro and yet were still denied??? Excuse me but that's F'ing nuts.

First thing it was hard for me, I felt so stuped and let her know how it mad me feel. Things that I could do and now cant. We lie to hind how bad it is but in the test you cant, She ask about things like fears and told her I see it and know it was not real, but still feelt it. cant remember the rest but dont be afrade to let your gard down and talk to them.

Keith thanks for the information if it worked for toy ill do the samerhing maybe ilk have the same results Im to see the lawyer next Thursday the Dr on Friday and maybe the psychologist or psychiatrist and my heath and wellness told me about a new kind of massage raindrops therapy massage ill see if I can squeeze it in I'm going to des mounds Iowa next Thursday to the following Monday suzyq