
So how do you learn to process it? It’s so hard . Stress from eliminated but my son is hospitalized possible appendicitis I hope but I literally feel the tension creep up my back my neck I don’t know yet how to handle all of this? Iv always just pressed on … I don’t want to do that anymore I want to do something different ?

Oh, Jenn, I'm sorry about your son! Of course you're stressed right now. I'm guessing that it will be pretty hard to eliminate it at the moment. Angel provides you with some good ideas. I also like using heat to comfort me when I'm stressed. Heating pads, hot tea, hot chocolate...tiger balm (smells something like Ben Gay and soothes your muscles.) Identify the things that help you relax and try to always have them at hand.

I hope your son doesn't have appendicitis but if he does, may he get immediate relief by having that offending organ pulled ASAP.

Please take care of yourself at this time, Jenn. I know it's extremely hard to do so. If you can just put something calming to your neck and back, like the heating pad or tiger balm, you might get some calming and relief.

Many gentle hugs,


Hi Jenn, I hope your son is ok, when my son was in a car accident about a month ago, I felt the same way, I could feel the tension creep up my back into my neck, and bamm an instant headache, I think our body is saying can’t just press on, can’t just keep pushing through it, and that point I , like angel said, I take a deep breath and try to not let myself get all tensed up, it does totally lead to more pain, if you can recognize that tension before it gets crazy… You have already ahead of the game…

I pray your son is ok, please let us know

Hugs & blessings

Prayers for both of you. I’m sure he’s in good hands and having mom there helps. I have found that stress is my worst enemy. Of all the triggers, this is my number one. Angel has great suggestions to help when it slams you in the face, but sometimes we don’t have time - like an inflamed appendix. Try Petunia’s suggestions too. I know I’m going to try some more - heat helps me a lot. I too feel it creep up the back of my neck, tense up my shoulders and works its way to my jaw muscles into a full blown migraine. In today’s world, even making a call to cancel an invitation to a friend or waiting for a package of meds to come by mail can set me off. Know that it happens to all of us and there are some great people on this site who have a lot more knowledge of Fibro than most doctors!

Dear Jenn,

I don;t think there is a remedy for this type of stress, not when it comes to the wellbeing of your child. My good thoughts and prayers are with you, for your son. He is in the best place possible, I hope this can be quickly and safely remedied.

Love and hugs,