
Just wondering if swelling is a big part of fibro. My whole feet swell toes top of foot and ankles. My legs feel tight and swollen. I swell at my joint areas elbows. Hands Just wondering. At times the swollen areas feel warm to touch. Or just warm from the inside.

I don't think so. But it could be an adverse reaction to your meds or a form of arthritis. Either way it should be checked into because some forms of arthritis seem to go with fibro and are destructive of joints. So you'd want your doctor to rukethem out, as well as a drug reaction. If it were me, I know I'd definitely have it looked at.

Maleena, I don’t have any issues with swelling, but I know many do. I think that any swelling should be checked out, arthritis, lupus… Ect
I think there may have been other discussions about this also, you can search in All Discussions upper left.
I have a lot of burning in my feet , but no swelling…although sometimes my hands feel swollen, but I think it’s just during PMS… Lol, ya a normal thing I think.

Hope you get some answers about this, keep us updated
hugs &
dee B

Thanks for the reaponses. I had a whole panel of blood work done lupus was included. It covered everything except MD which my grandfather had. I take neurontin. And my rheumatologist said that swelling had nothing to do with the mediation. That is the only meds I am on. I guess a trip back to the doc will be in my Near future

Hi Maleena,
I have psoriatic arthritis and have swelling in a lot of my joints. They also appear red around the joints and are hot to the touch. There isn’t an actual blood test for this, but lab tests for inflammation would be positive. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, so your rheumy would need to dwindle it down by your symptoms. I would definitely be proactive in finding out what’s going on because early diagnosis can prevent further joint damage. It took me over 2 years and 3 rheumys to get a correct diagnosis and get on the correct meds.
Sorry…not trying to scare you, but with your symptoms I would hate for you to end up in as much pain and lack of mobility I had.
I wish you the best and hope your doc gives you good news!