Thank You for the Support & Info!

I can't believe what a wonderful site this is. I know I'm not on here much or write on here often but just from the short time I've been a member this site has been extremely helpful.

First, I've learned that ALOT of what I'm experiencing is almost all related to the Fibro. I did not know that vertigo, spasms, or IBS are related to Fibro. I thought they were all separate crap that I was experiencing. It's nice to know that there's a reason for all of it even though it sucks!

Secondly, I was having a bad day the other day and hubby starts in on how I need to exercise more. I get so frustrated w/ him because he really feels that I just need to get out & move. Well, I do feel better when I walk BUT it's difficult to A) get restarted and B) to keep it up. So, I pulled up a discussion from this sight about walking. Needless to say, I think it woke him up a bit.

So thank you for not only educating me on Fibro but also having it in black & white for my family to see it if I need to try to get them see that I cannot help how I feel.

Hi JG,

Glad to you and your family are getting the support you need. My hubby feels the same way and says all the time “you just need some exercise”. My points match your A and B points to a “T”.

Hope you are having a pain free day.

Lots of gentle hugs.