I'm new to this place .I wanted the doctors to fix me but they said they can't.I wanted the pain to go away but it does'nt .I only found two things together that calms the pain down enough that I can sleep some times.
I'm new to this place .I wanted the doctors to fix me but they said they can't.I wanted the pain to go away but it does'nt .I only found two things together that calms the pain down enough that I can sleep some times.
Hello Mtpeanuts,
So glad you found this place, I am sure you will find it supportive and understanding. It is a difficult condition to manage, and there are no 'miracle cures', but many on here still lead a meaningful and productive life. You can too! good luck
Take care, Anne
Hi Mtpeanuts! While there’s no magic pill out there that cures fibro, there are some things that help. You’ve found some meds that at least help you to get a little more sleep. I find that if I am low on sleep then my pain level & anxiety rises. Talk to your doctor about the pain you are having-maybe there is something that can help reduce the pain & make the fibro more manageable.
HUGS from Deb
Thank you it’s nice not to be alone