Tight leg muscles on one leg

Hi Petunia,

I don't recognise those names but will look for the english versions. The soap tip is worth trying. I'll try anything that might help.



I'm getting Physical therapy twice a week right now for my legs and feet and they've told me that besides the RLS there is arthritis and neuropathy at work here. I have to wear orthotics which I hate cuz shoes hurt me and hopefully I'll get a little gain on the pain by sticking with these therapies for now. Pretty hard on me just going the 60 mile round trip in the cold...sometimes I think I undo half the good on the way home.

Hang tough my friend, gentle stretches and I take requip up to 3 times a day for the pain and cramping, makes me sleepy but that's a good thing.

PeacenLove Always~Laurel

Hi Magnesium is very good for muscle cramps eases them straight away, but even though you can by them over the counter \ruun it by your G.P. as I don't know what else you may be on bot you can look up aal the informatiom yourself on the internet I fope you grt fuou legs sorted out Jeannie

Thanks Jeannie. Just trying to work up enough enthusiasm to go see my GP. Depression has hit :-(



Depression goes hand in hand with fibro there is plenty of anti depressents out threr cymbalta, Savalle, I personally like ENDEP 50MG i take about 159 and it has a extra bonus of keeping you asleep, but before you go to the doc lookup drugs used to trat fibro and it will give you guide ti whats available it always helps if you are pro-active when it comes ro what you are taking don't waste time being depressed it won't make the fibro go away just people warm Hugs Jeanni