Time for some Friday quotes

1.My “get up and go” looked around, said, “Seriously??” and sat right back down!

  1. I was born to be wild…But only till 9 PM, then I go home and snuggle my dog!

  2. I don’t know how to use TikTok, but I can write in cursive, do long division and tell time on clocks with hands…so there’s that!

  3. I may look like I’m in deep thought but 99% of the time I’m thinking about petting my dog.

  4. Agenda for today: Let the dog out, let the dog in, let the dog out, let the dog in…

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LOL GramyB!
My hubby and I were laughing at #5 :joy:That pretty much wraps up our day/week/life! But, we wouldn’t have it any other way. So glad that you have a new baby to snuggle! Please update us on how Sady Ann is doing when you get a chance. :purple_heart:

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LOL Gramybear! It may look like I’m in deep thought but 99% of the time, I’m trying to remember what I forgot. Fibro fog rocks!

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Oh, I can so relate to all of these, but #5 really got me laughing. LOL The cat wants in and then the dog decides she wants out, then the cat decides she wants back out and the dog wants in. And of course they can’t coordinate any of it, that would be too easy. They have to wait till I have just sat back down, stuck my hands in the dishwater, etc.

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Don’t you have taps where you come from? :joy_cat:

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JayCS -

Nope, no taps here! LOL

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Exactly!!! LOL… I have Fibro Fog more than I would like lately!

I can’t believe how far along Sady Ann has come in just over a week. She struts her stuff on our walks now and doesn’t panic every time I leave the room. She loves it when we get up in the morning and she can run to sit on top of the couch to look for Squirrels out the window! And of course, she wants to chase them on our walks! She is absolutely wonderful and I feel extremely blessed to have her!!!

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Awwwww, GramyB! That is wonderful news that Sady Ann is settling in and showing her unique personality! :blush: All that she needed was your love and encouragement! You are a wonderful doggie mama! :purple_heart: