Thanks, Hope! I know you are right about suger it's inflammatory (so are other foods), and I recently read "The 10 Day Detox Diet" by Dr. Mark Hyman. It's so inspiring. This is meant to get all the things that may be adding to or causing pain, weight gain and mental stuff like depression out of your diet. After you're clean you can add back 1 of the common offenders at a time and see if you have a reaction or not. I have heard for years food may contribute or even cause these problems, so that wasn't news to me, although there is more and worse stuff than I knew. I've also heard eating right can do a lot to help. I never had any guidance in what to do or how to do it, though, and this book does all that. Medicare only pays a nutritionist if you are full blown diabetic, and I can't afford private consults. Anyway, sugar is a big one, it's very addicting too ... I already know that one from personal experience!
I went to a Fibro support group where the woman showed us a roller you can get at any sports store, Wlamart, Target, etc. (or buy from her) and roll out your trigger points to release them. I got one. The catch is, she charges for it showing you HOW. It really irritates me that someone runs a fibro support group with making money off of us as an end goal, when we are suffering and many of us broke BC of fibro/disability can't work etc. I think she's a nice woman and will tell you some things to help but when it comes down to it, she is in business.
Anyhow I wanted to know how to use the roller properly, though it was worth th $15 just to roll it under my back!!!
:) Liz