Hi everyone - it's very hard to me to write this right now, because I have been horribly depressed. I haven't slept for 3 days because of the pain, nor can I get around my home without holding on to everything. I am normally a very organized person and take a lot of pride in my apartment in keeping it clean, but the past 3 days, I can't even do the most minute thing. I tried doing my dishes even, and spasms just ripped up and down my spine.
I have to back up a little bit. About 4 years ago, I was diagnosed with Divirticulosis. The reason was because of my Aspirin use. Medicaid had cut out Celebrex - which worked wonderful for me. Others do not really work for me. Well, thankfully, I had been on a waiting list to see one of the best Rheumys here in Nevada, but I can't see her till the beginning of May. In the meantime, I have had to take Aspirin - which takes the edge off my horrible pain. The blood work I had a few months ago showed that my liver and kidneys weren't functioning well because of the Aspirin.
My stomache doctor warned me that I was allergic to aspirin and I must take Tylenol. Well, it doesn't work at all. I am always afraid when I take the aspirin, but I am in so much pain, it sometimes overrules what it is doing to my kidneys and liver.
I am supposed to get blood work done for my nurse before this Tuesday, but I just can' walk without tremondous pain. Also, this Wednesday, is my Mammogram and Bone density tests. I am so hoping I can make it. The pain is so bad, that I can't even get into my car. Absolutely every inch of my body is flared up. Plus Migraines to go along with me - but I have medicine for this, thank God!
When I get like this - I feel like I am not 'all there.' Just really out of it. I dread going to bed, knowing the pain is going to be so horrible for me. Many times I have to sleep sitting half up and this helps a little, but then my neck starts flaring up. I had read on the website about a muscle relaxer called (I hope I spell this right) Tinazadine? I am going to talk to my nurse, Megan about this, as I see her late Tuesday morning. I have no appetite and when feeling well, I see lots of friends, we go out, have fun. But I feel like this won't happen anymore. If the new Rheumy can't help me, I don't know what I am going to do! Love to all, Laurie