What are top 3 treatments that helped you?

Hi everyone, I just posted about how LDN, Myofascial release and Savella have helped me. Would any of you be interested in sharing what your top 3 treatments have been most helpful to you? And, you could also include why they were helpful? It could include sunshine to a specific supplement. There is no right or wrong answer. :sun_with_face: :pill:

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Well, I have to beg the question on this, cos I need 100s a day, and stopping one by mistake or on purpose makes the whole complex construction break together that at least manages to get me thru the day happy with high quality of life and partly able to move slowly and carefully, and a few times a day fairly normally for a short time.

But without delving into all the details, some things that stand out slightly more than others are laughter, relaxing, GABA more than the other 30-40 supps, LDN, early sunlight, outdoors all day, early screen curfew, stretches / acupressure etc. / massager for local pains, using my slower energy longer rather than pushing thru, garden with bird watching. But with 100s of things a day each contribution is less than 1%, whilst these may then be contributing 2%… But as without them all is nothing, each 1% is very powerful.

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JayCS, when you say GABA, you’re not referring to Gabapentin, are you? Isn’t it a supplement? Laughter is an amazing healing treatment for fibromyalgia! :joy::sweat_smile:

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Yeah, you’re right, not gabapentin or pregabalin, I mean the body-own amino acid neurotransmitter Gamma-AminoButyric Acid from which those meds have been derived. (So best not to write “GABA” if we are abbreviating the med.)

Still no meds except LDN. Tolerate excipients even less since the jabs. :roll_eyes: But managed to regulate my blood pressure with 3mg of a med, then down to 1mg, then 0mg, besides the supps.

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Personally, I have found that medical marijuana (licensed / legal in Illinois) is by far better for me that taking addictive opioids( family history of addiction) . I was referred to the program by my rheumatologist. I take a lot of supplements and vitamins . I also get fibro flares from emotional distress so I’m on a anti
-Depression med called trintellix it is amazing,I probably would not be here if I did not take it . It helps with the pain - I hold / get stress in my upper back and shoulders. I too spend a lot of time outside and trying to pace myself, nap when needed and do hydrotherapy almost daily. I have several autoimmune issues, colitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, hyperparathyroidism and a rectocele / cystocele .Fibromyalgia isn’t the worst of my issues but it’s right up there . I try to meditate a few times a week also . Time for self reflection and being appreciative of what I do still have. Hope this help someone else struggling.

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When I lived in Illinois, I also used medical marijuana to help with my fibro, but I was never able to titrate the dose effectively. I’m glad that Trintellix is working for you. I have contemplated talking to my doctor about it. My concerns are increased cholesterol, increased blood sugar and possible tardive dyskinesia. I am not well educated about that medication. I definitely struggle with depression related to all my medical issues and past trauma.