Vitamin Recommendations

Hello all -

I am looking for some recommendations for vitamin supplements.

I recently began taking Gabapentin, and while it worked at first, it doesn't seem to do anything now - except make a muscle above my eye spasm. I have been taking prenatal vitamins (great for hair and nails + iron), but now I'm starting to think I may need more.

What vitamins are you on/have you been on? What works best?


Hello Moe. My PCP has me take an additional 2000 mg vitamin D-3 & magnesium, ■■■■■■■■ mg per day along with a good vitamin & mineral supplement. I also take a good vitamin B supplement that combines all the B vitamins in one tablet; I get that at GNC. I think that it helps with the fibro & the Hashimoto’s. Hope this helps! HUGS from Deb

Hi, Moe. Sorry to hear the Gabapentin isn’t working as you had hoped. I just wanted to be sure to caution that you discuss the addition of any vitamin supplements to your care regimen with your doctor. Some vitamins may interact with your meds or can be harmful on their own if not monitored. Your doctor would be able to advise you most appropriately.

Yes Moe. Laurie is right. My PCP is who suggested what I should take after getting results from bloodwork & other tests. Your doc knows your medical history & any meds you are currently taking & is in the best position to suggest additional vitamins/supplements. I understand that some people with fibro have been found to be low on certain vitamins, etc. Discuss with your doc & have him/her check into it for you.
HUGS from Deb

Thanks, Deb!

Deb said:

Yes Moe. Laurie is right. My PCP is who suggested what I should take after getting results from bloodwork & other tests. Your doc knows your medical history & any meds you are currently taking & is in the best position to suggest additional vitamins/supplements. I understand that some people with fibro have been found to be low on certain vitamins, etc. Discuss with your doc & have him/her check into it for you.
HUGS from Deb

HI Moe. I agree with the others and wish you all the best. I just wanted to say that i took gabapentin for many years to control grand mal seizures and it is an anti- epileptic drug which is also being used to treat pain. i got this drug by prescription. so i was not sure if you said this is a vitamin supplement. i could have misunderstood. anyway do check with your doc about what you should or should not take.



I take gabapentin for restless legs/ leg pain. It helps me a lot,but everyone is different. It is a prescription med. Its said that malic acid and some other supplements help fibro, but they never helped me, Best to discuss with Dr, as you can take too much of some vitamins and supplements could interact with meds. I hope you can get some help. Soft hugs. Jenny

I disliked gabapentin myself. It caused me to sleep like it was my job. Even about a year and a half after stopping it, I still struggle with sleeping too much and being exhausted. It's like the gabapentin pushed me over the edge.

I recently decided to try to go as holistic a route as I can. I currently am not taking any man-made medications for anything. I am revamping my entire diet from the ground up into a sustainable, healthy one. I currently take magnesium, B complex, zinc, and fish oil pills. I have also made my sleep/wake cycle a very important focus. I have noticed some improvement in my energy levels since starting all of it, so I'm not quite sure which one has the biggest impact on me. Good luck to you finding something that works for you!

Hello Rubber Ducy,
What strength and how often were you taking Gabapentin?

I have been on it for around 6 months. I take 300mg am and lunch and 600mg at bedtime. I have severe active leh syndrome and it takes that much for my legs to sleep. I also take amatriptline (spelling?) to settle me down. It is such a dangerous game when doctors have you try different combinations. Reading about the side effects of each medication can truly scare the Hell out of you.
I have been blessed by having my GP admit it was out of his area and I was connected with a fairly new phemotoligsts and she is aware of all the latest shopping on medications along with FM.
I am down to one visit every three months and if I get a flair up she works me in that day.
Being a guy makes it harder because most folks say just suck it up or all the issues you have come with old age.
Having the awesome folks to share with on this site sends a good feeling knowing I share many of the same issues.
Keep your chin up!