
Hi everyone -- I told you I was looking for information. Let me know when I cross over to being a pest!

I'm new to this forum and find that my condition seems to be worsening such that I am researching various treatments and helpful suggestions. I have read Jacob Teitelbaum and he recommends his vitamin powder, called Energy Revitalization System. Has anyone used this? What effect were you looking for with it? Did you notice any effect, positive OR negative? Did you use it full-strength? He mentioned that some people use it at half strength, which would also be more affordable. Anything you can tell me would be helpful. Thanks!

HI Katie,

I'm not an expert, but here's a thought. I have autoimmune diseases, as many here do, my immune system is already 'ramped' into overdrive, the last thing I want is something to kick it into higher gear.

My Chiropractor is my vitamin guru, they know vitamins, like general practitioners know medicines. Most of the vitamins I take are Pharmaceutical grade, many are from Douglas Labs, and Integrated Therapeutics.

Hope this helps!


SK it's Jeannie I am a retired nurse so I tend to stick to traditional meds also because my disabled pension covers the cost but I do a lot of research and I came across an article mentioning these drugs I'm going to share with you with there is good science behind them and I have never been able to find anything to help with draining fatigue, I have been using them for about a month now and am having positive results, although it's a bit early for doing cart wheels through the lounge room, So here we go No 1. PYRUVATE No 2.L-CARNITINE No. 3. GARCINIA CAMBOGIA at their recommended doses twice a day they are not that expensive, if you cant find them at the drug store they are available on the internet I am also taking L-ARGININE it is an anti-oxidant and helps boost the immune system and seems to help blood flow so these are my new secret weapons give them a try I will keep you updated Warm Hugs Jeannie

Thanks for the input everyone. What appeals to me about this product is that it's a powder that you mix with liquid. I have such a hard time swallowing large pills and to get all this stuff I'd have to take a fistful of pills. Going to continue to research including talking to the pharmacist about interactions and ingredients. I am also between doctors because mine moved out of state so I would probably want to get a new one before I make a major change. Thanks again. Much appreciated.