What do you do when you're exhausted?

When you wake up in pain and you're still exhausted from the busy day you had yesterday, do you just go back to bed feeling guilty, or is it better to just push yourself into doing your housework and grocery shopping, etc. Does it make any difference in how you feel? If you stay in bed, will the exhaustion go away? Or will you feel as exhausted no matter what you do, but, at least, if you get dressed and stay busy, you'll feel like you accomplished something no matter how awful you feel? (Can you tell that I feel miserable?)

I am recovering from yet another flare up. Second one this month alone. In my case, pushing beyond the pain and exhaustion makes a huge difference! I tend to do that regularly and my body suffers greatly for it. I am trying to learn to listen to my body. If I have a choice between housework, grocery shopping and visiting with friends and I'm feeling like a truck ran over me, then I'll choose grocery shopping. I need food, the dirt isn't going anywhere and hopefully my friends will understand or we can reschedule. It sucks having to make those choices, but that's our life. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! Stop calculating your self worth by what you were able to accomplish on a given day. Can you tell I've had therapy :)


Dear Rosie,

From where I sit, it's always best to sleep when your body can. It needs to sleep much more than it can and does. Please don't feel guilty about it, we had to throw away the 'rules of the normal' long ago, or should have! It;s nice to be able to sleep with the rest of the world, but it's just not always possible, so grab the sleep when it comes!

Wishing you well,


I hear you rosie, I've had some therapy myself, helps you put it all in the right perspective, or at least most of it! Sweet dreams!

Thank you for the good advice.

You know, it's just that I feel so helpless. I have trouble accepting this disease and all that goes with it. I want to be active, but even therapeutic yoga makes me ache for days afterward. I'm afraid if I don't keep pushing myself I'll just curl up and die. Thanks for answering. At least I know I'm not alone.

Rosie you just took the words right out my mouth. That’s exactly how i feel. It’s so so so hard to get my day started. I have Such a hard time accepting this. I’ve been fighting so hard just fit my sanity. I hate going to sleep because i know my mornings are so hard. I used have it So easy But now it’s one of the hardest times of day. You aren’t alone at all. Hugs