I would love to hear any funny stories, or what makes you laugh. I help out a friend who is working, by taking care of her daughter ( my god daughter ) She makes me laugh and giggle and helps me forget my pain and exhaustion. Laughter truly is the best medicine xx
Hey I have that stuffed animal here, one of the grandson's brought it, and it is the grand kids that keep me laughing, when I least expect it they make me laugh until I cry! The 3 year old takes first prize, he is just at that age, though they are all characters!
Good discussion, thanks for this post, cookie!
Who graduated? My grandchildren make me laugh daily and watching the cats play together. Their are squirls who play in my yard and in the trees I love to watch them play.
My pets make me laugh every day and the get me out of bed every morning. If it weren't for them, I would not move during the day like I know I should.
Like others have said about their pets, my 2 cats, Basil and Sybil give me constant amusement, I love watching them, sometimes they whizz round the house together and Sybil whizzes round and round chasing her tail then fall over in a heap totally dizzy!! My son is 25 now and living with his Fiancé in Northamptonshire, so I only tend to see him every other month, my cats are good company now it's just me and my Husband at home.
I also have 3 good friends who are fellow knitters and we meet up every Friday morning for a coffee and a chat, plus we laugh a lot, they love to hear my funny stories about my 27 years as a nurse, nothing shocks me anymore after some of the things I've seen!!!
Lucy xxx
Thanks, the minions certainly make me laugh, and my seven year old god daughter. I could write a book about half of the things she says.I am lucky that although we have been some awful times, my husband makes me laugh.A few years ago when I was at my worst with depression, I could barely hold a coversation, Now I just get on as best I can on my bad days, and try to do one thing silly on my good days xx
That was my youngest son. We lost a daughter who only lived 20 minutes after birth, so when our 2 sons came along we were so looking forward only to find our youngest (picture) was a severe asthmatic. He spent the first five years of his life in hospital, as did we. Because of all the drugs he was on he became severley overweight.After trying several jobs he went to college, His friend a neutritionist helped him by putting on a healthy eating plan and exercise. He lost 112 lbs in a year and did a 10 k charity walk He went on to university as a mature student and graduated this year with honours. His illness has given him such a great sense of humour, and he certainly makes me laugh xx
http://www.youtube.com/ talking German Shepard / ultimate dog tease
Here is my all time favorite, guaranteed to make you laugh!
Oh thank you so much for that. I can't believe he got that babies to laugh at the same time brilliant !!
Aren't they darling? Seems like a million years ago since my son was that size! He used to giggle like that, just melts your heart!
I have seen this many times and it still makes me laugh. Thank you so much for posting it xx
Bloke goes into the pub sits down and orders a beer. He notices that randomly people call out numbers and everyone in the pub goes into bouts of raucous laughter. 53 and people laugh, 86 and they belly laugh, 79 and they laugh so much some fall off their seats. Then he notices the little man with the scrawny mostach in the dark corner stand up and yell out 22 and absolutely no one laughs at all. So he asks the batman how come people all laugh at numbers but no one laughs when this man calls out 22. The barman says well when people call out numbers they are calling out jokes but that the man in the corner called out 22 and they’ve heard that one before!
Not sure I’ve told this exactly right!
Three ducks are all swimming on the lake. There was mother duck, father duck and baby duck. All of a sudden baby duck pipes up and says, isn’t it lovely the four of us all swimming on the lake together. Why did he say four?
I bet you come up with some interesting answers…
Nope…it was because he couldn’t count!
How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only one but it has to want to change.
those made me laugh
Thanks for them they made me giggle. Nice to talk to you you have my nickname everyone calls me lindyloo xx
Oh thank you so much for that It made me laugh so much I had to stop half way through to dry my eyes. It reminded me of when my oldest son was small and I took him into the ladies. On the way out he had a huge tantrum. He spotted a machine for ladies products and screamed that he wanted to get chewing gum for daddy.