What's next?

The reason I didn't post this under "medication" is because it hasn't been posted in since 2013.

I not only have fiber, but also CRPS, TMJdisorder, and Systemic arthritis. I am currently on Butrans patch 10 mch, Norco 10/325, Soma 350, and Topamax 50 mg 2/day.

I haven't been able to get much sleep lately..basically working 8hours (in retail) and then going to sleep around 3-4 am...getting at least 5 hours but not a full 8 of sleep which could be exacerbating my pain...but I am going to be out of meds before i see my doctor for sure (only by a couple of days)because my pain level has been so high lately.

I am debating on going up a mcg on my patch...I really can't be popping all of these pills all of the time- it's getting out of control!! I never get ANY relief.

I am supposed to get a fat graft surgery in the next few months by a top TMJD doctor (please no negative comments about this..I have thought about this for years and I am seeing the top doctor in the nation)...so therefore I will have to detox off of my patch before then.

Does anyone recommend any meds for fibro or anything else that I have? I am sick of the pain pills and muscle relaxers...it's insanity!!

I wish I could help you!!! I know how sucky it gets when nothing is working!!! There are a few people on here who can probably help you. I am certain they will talk to you some time today. M


Hi, Lauren!

I just saw your post about the pain meds. I am in the same boa. Have you asked your doctor about gabapentin? My doc lowered my tramadol and is slowly increasing my gabapentin and I have gone 3 days already with maybe an hr or 2 ea night of sleep. I work full time as well and every night I get off my fingers hurt so bad I can hardly pick up an eating utensil to eat. I am an inbound customer service rep and I do a LOT of typing. I am making an appointment with a rheumatologist to see how my meds can be adjusted better. My internist is messing with my meds too much.

I just wanted to reach out and let you know you are not alone, dear.

God Bless & Gentle Hugz

Hello Lauren.

Sorry to hear of your situation. Don't know if I can be of any help, but I'll have a go! I only take amitriptylene, more for sleep than pain, don't know if it will be any better than what you take. My doc says sleep is most important, and that could be why your pain is so bad. He won't give me any more pain killers cos of the side effects. I think this is good advice, cos many people seem to be on loads of painkillers. and still suffering. I have tremendous admiration for you, keeping a full time job. I wish you well.

Take care, Anne