Why Am I Nauseous?

I have Fibro, and my pain hasn’t been too much worse than usual (except today). The worst pain is in my neck, and some in my shoulders and upper back, along with some swelling, especially in my extremities.

However, that is not my biggest problem. I am EXTREMELY nauseous. I have been nauseous for 3 days now, and each day the nausea gets worse and worse. I haven’t been eating or drinking anything different, and I’m not on any new medications.

Any ideas on what might be causing this nausea (I’m not pregnant) and how I can feel better? Anything I can do to lessen the nausea or make it go away completely?

This has never happened to me in my 12 years of Fibro except during a flare-up, and I’m not having a flare-up. Even when it has happened during a flare-up, it never lasted longer than 24-36 hours.

Tia, nausea occurs when someone is detoxing off opiates, which you are. Vomiting and diarrhea can also occur. Maybe call your doctor and tell him what is going on. He should be treating your detox symptoms.

Good luck,

Starr, thank you for all your suggestions/advice/information on this post and my other post. It is so helpful to have someone that understands, and I appreciate your quick and informative responses. I’m new to this site, and it’s great to know that there are such wonderful, helpful people here in this community! It’s often hard to find people to talk to, especially as my family and husband don’t really seem to understand what I’m going through. I feel like my doctors often don’t understand either. Many (not all) just want to get me out of their office as fast as possible. So, thanks again for everything. :slight_smile:


Tia, how are you feeling today? Any better? I am sending positive thoughts your way.

Could be kidney stones. Also perhaps dehydration? Another possible cause could be stomach ulcers.

I read Starr's comment and , perhaps that is the root of your problem.

How're you feeling today? I really think you should see your doctor if you are still experiencing it. For instance, stomach ulcers can bleed, which needs treatment.



Hi Tia,

I'm very glad to help. I just posted a cartoon in your honor in the Laughter is The Best Medicine Group. Check it out and you're invited to join the group to see updates or post yourself!




Auburnm - thanks for the positive thoughts! Not doing any better today. This is the worst flare-up I’ve had in two years now.

Petunia Girl - Thanks for the suggestions. It’s definitely not dehydration, as I drink 60-70 ounces of water per day, plus some other fluids. I’ll ask my doctor about the other things you mentioned. Unfortunately, I don’t see him for another 10 days. :frowning: I can’t get an earlier appointment either because the office only does “once monthly” appointments, even if it’s an emergency. (Another reason I forgot to mention I wanted to switch doctors, Starr.) The one and only time I tried to get an emergency appt with this doctor (I’ve been seeing him a little over a year now), I had to call about 5 times and make threats before they’d schedule me in for a 10 min appt that wasn’t exactly 4 weeks from my last. And I wasn’t trying to get prescriptions either! I had some concerning symptoms that my GP would not have known how to address, since she’s never treated my Fibro, and I didn’t want to go to the ER except as a last resort because it’s so expensive and usually yields few answers anyway in a situation like this.

Starr - thanks for the above link. It made me smile. :slight_smile:


There could be a number of different causes. Including medication. It may also be constipation if you have IBS-C.