Work event

Had a rough day :frowning: after almost convincing myself I didnā€™t have fibro and the docs were wrong, it reared its ugly head. Lately, I canā€™t remember if Iā€™ve brushed my teeth, so I do that twice, or applied make up, so I have to ask my husband. Then we go to a casino for a work meeting and by 2 hours in I have a headache in my face, my shoulders and wrists and hands are on fire. 6 hours later, we are commuting home and Iā€™m in tears I hurt so bad. The pain made me feel sick to my stomach. Two more days of work, then I have 9 days off!! What a terrible day.

Oh, Leslie, I'm sorry! It's awful, isn't it? And it can strike so suddenly. And when it strikes, it strikes HARD. Yours sounds like a typical entry into the fibro world, unfortunately. Everything that you describe is fibro.

Probably THE most thing for us is getting plenty of rest, especially for those of us who still work. Rest, rest and more rest. The nine days off will certainly help.

It's also important to have good doctors who help you get adequate pain relief. It may take awhile to get the right med to work but when you find it, it does help you feel somewhat more in control of things and the pain. Also a good rheumatologist is important so he can rule out any other illnesses that mimic fibro's symptoms.

I'm glad that you've found us and I hope that being here helps you feel better. Everyone here has been in your shoes and knows how it feels. We're here to help you. And we all learn from sharing.



Thanks Petunia! The more I read, the more ā€œnormalā€ I feel, lol! Its actually comforting to hear finally that Iā€™m not crazy!! :wink:

So far nothing has helped the pain. Ibuprofen and even narcotics dint seem to work, and just make me feel dumb as a box of rocks! My doctor and I decided too start with an antidepressant to see what effects that has. Too soon to tell, but it feels good knowing there are options. I did see a rheumatologist for the diagnosis, but he wanted me to work with my primary for treatment. Weā€™ll see, I feel like he listens and wants to be collaborative at this point, so Iā€™m optimistic.

Iā€™m learning to take cues from my body, at the very least to be more proactive in seeking comfort, rather than weathering the storm once it hits.

Thank you again for the reply! Not alone!! :smiley:


Not alone!! Or crazy!! Just hit by the fibro thunderbolt!

You have a very good attitude, Lesie. And it sounds like your medical team is good and doing what it should be doing. Anti-depressants can be very good pain blocks. I think you're off to a good start.

Stick with it and us, kid. I think you're ahead of a lot of us in our thinking when we first got struck down. So goood for you for figuring out some important steps.

Hugs from a very sore and weary,


Hi Leslie, I know exactly how you feel, I remember when I was working and feeling so sick at work, just as your describing it would hit you like a ton of bricks, so many times I didnā€™t know how I would continue to function while at work. You are so ahead of the game to listen to your body and learn how to take the clues
Two more days, gee I pray you can get through them, and use the days off to rest, your body is speaking to youā€¦ So good you are listening , donā€™t push yourself, take it easy !!!
you are in the right place for great caring support with people who get it !!
Hugs & blessings

Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your cr@ppy day! Thank goodness for our husbands! Mine has to remind me to do things too. Iā€™m sure youā€™re looking forward to your upcoming vacation!
Hang in there,

Thanks so much for the reply! I decided to take a day to recoverā€¦ Hopefully I can get enough rest on vacation. We are hosting Thanksgiving this year, so Iā€™m going to have to balance tasks and getting rest!