I have not seen anyone but me talking about acupuncture. It was a life saver, both for my body and stress/depression levels. It helped me sleep better and as the treatments progressed they lasted longer and longer. You need someone who has experience in fibro (someone who does sports medicine).
Reality: Acupuncture is not painless. When the needles are placed if they hit the right place you will feel them going in. Less then a shot but it is an ouch sometimes. The bigger the ouch, the more value it has. The acupuncturist should be asking what hurts, how much, about your mood and understand about flare-ups. I almost always get a needle in my forehead where they call the third eye to help with stress and depression. THey can also place one at the top of the head to help relieve stress.
After the needles are placed you don't feel them as the treatment progresses. Usually there is soft music, you sit in a recliner and I normally fall asleep. I also start my time with a meditation asking for strength, energy and peace. I mentally surround myself with a blue and pink light energy which is a healing energy. If you think of any other color allow it to be. I also use the time to just breathe and know I am not required to do anything at that time. Sometimes I have strong emotions that come up. Talk about them with your acupuncturist. It is common to have a release of emotions if you are really pent up.
After they take out the needles usually they tell you to just sit there until you are ready to get up. I can go in with about a 7 level pain walking bend over with my cane and leave standing up straight and carrying my cane, with just a little pain.