Anbody feel meds make your fibro worse

I doo not know if it is the weather or not but also i started taking the lin zess and even though my dr told me to stop the nerotin i have resorted to going back on to it cause i have not been able to make it to his office to pick up the sivella and the nerotin des not fully help but it makes it so i can move and interact with my kids at least a lil feel high most of the time but its the only thing latly i have. but latly it seems like my flares have really turned. never experienced weekness in my arms spasms in my leg numbness in my knee or back pain so bad i cant get out of bed for at least a good hr when i wake up. my stomach and ic flared too so i am wondering if its nt a chain reaction but just curiouse to see if you all have ever noticed meds making things worse for you

No, not worse. Some meds did nothing for me but I don't think any made me feel worse.

But I am concerned because you mention going back on neurontin but you don't mention if you're still taking the lin zess (??) If you are, holy carp, please call either your doctor to see if they are safe to take together or else a pharmacist, who can also tell you.

Also, have you been tested recently for other things, like autoimmune illnesses? Your recent symptoms concern me, and while they may be from fibro, I think it's very wise to rule out other illnesses as well.

Think of this, although you're in too much pain and too tired to pick up the savella, what if it works and helps to reduce the pain and fatigue? So in the short term you're feeling better by not going out to pick it up, but you may be cheating yourself of pain relief in the long-run.

And, lastly, if your doc can't help you to relieve the pain, I'd try finding another one. There is nothing that will take all of our pain away but some things can help to reduce the pain. You need a doc who'll do this for you. If you haen't already been to a rheumy, please consider it. He can make sure that it's the fibro that's bothering you and can hopefully offer you some means to reduce your pain.

My best to you,


Dear Victoria, here is some info on barometric pressure that could be a factor. I do agree with Petunia that you should be talking to your Doctor and Pharmacist about the meds. The Pharmacist may be more accessible for you while you wait to see the Dr.

I surely hope that you can soon get some substantial relief!

yeah all tests for autoimmune have come back negative thyroid and all my rhemo is the one treating me and i looked it up and read the thing about meds that interact i cancledd dentist apoointment cause of how soar i was and the thought of them messing with my teeth was a no go. but tomorrow i see anew pcp who my husband used to see and seems very wise so hoping he can maybe help me to, i am gonna call amke an apppointment with rhemo if he is unfimiliar with all this.hes just further away and gas lack of work and the drive but you are right i do need to do something cuz when i was diagnosed i had milder symptoms and that was in dec but every time i flare it seems to last longer and hit harder.thanks petunia you always repond with some good thoughts

Hi Victoria,

Well perhaps the cold winter weather plus barometric changes made the flares worse but such a marked difference between when you were first diagnosed and now seems to indicate that another trip to the rheumy is in order if your new PCP isn't able to help you. Yes, you could be experiencing a spitload of fibro symptoms all together but best to rule other things out.

But that fibro really can do all kinds of terrible things. Even different types of pain. I just experienced pain that felt like liquid fire in my knee recently, which was different than any other fibro pain I've ever had, including being way, way worse. But then it disappeared 2 days later. My docs felt that it wasn't my arthritis or else due to statins I'm on and the way it started out of the blue and disappeared into the blue seems to point squarely at fibro. You know how it is, you have a million different tests, feeling so sure that you'll finally have an answer, and the test comes out perfectly normal!

Oh, NO, having work done on your teeth during a mega mega flare is a big, huge honkin' NO! My teeth hurt in sympathy to yours on the matter. Good that you cancelled your dental appointment until you feel better. I can't imagine the pain meds having any affect on your mouth anyway if you'd gone and the dentist had shot you full of novacain.

Good luck with the new GP. One who's willing to listen and research is worth his/her weight in gold. I hope you have someone who helps you to unravel some of this nightmarish pain. I'm so, so very sorry that you're going through this, Victoria. I never know how those of you who suffer like this have such fortitude to keep on rockin' during these awful spells. But the new doctor might well be the ticket and if not, then YES, it's worth the cost and ride to see the rheumy. Like you, I debate the ride (the distance, in my case, as in if it's too far and I'm too tired, if there's too much traffic and I'm not well enough to navigate it.) But going will hopefully get the ball rolling again on finding adequate pain management.

Many gentle hugs to you,


Victoria, as SK points out, barometric pressure can have a HUGE impact on your body! Two days before the last two big snow storms my knees went crazy! That's when they felt like Lucifer was sticking his big old boiling hot trident into my leg and not removing it either! It lasted for a few days then vanished, poof! I don't know if this is what's going on with you; maybe it's at least part of the problem.

Again, good luck tomorrow!

I was leaning more to weather change cuz the few nice days we had i felt great but that night when things began changing thats when everything went south and the next day is horrible i went to walmart and slugged through it but considered using the motor scooter, even my husband told me to cuz he said i was walking to slpw lol. hoping itbreaks soon right now i feel ok back is soar but that i am used to gonna put my hynosis thing on and prepare for my pcp appointment ty so much for the input

Victoria, when hurricane Sandy came through here and all of the meterolotists were broadcasting about the plummeting barometric pressure, I thought I would just die! We recently had snow and ice storms, same thing happened then. Usually once it starts to snow, or rain it eases right up. It's when something is 'building' is when it is at it's absolute worst.

My Chiropractor told me that contradictory of what you might think, it is the low pressure that causes our bodies to expand, swell, and 'thump'! And thump it does!

Hope this helps you understand. Of all the places to get the best weather, our little town's area news and weather, always gives a barometric reading, of course I feel as though I could predict it myself!