Apathy reversal?

New member here and I have a question. Having lived with Depression, Anxiety & chronic joint pain (Diagnosed as fibromyalgia Jan 25th) since around the age of 8, I’ve pretty much been disinterested in life. Total apathy, grew up with no lasting impression or interest in any thing or any person. I wanted nothing more than to just fade away by myself. Yet, over the last few months, something changed in me & I’m starting to reflect those changes. I’m health conscious, (more water, less pepsi, working out) I’m being more social. Just overall I want more from life. I still haven’t decided if I’m all that fond of the idea or not, but has any one else here come across an unexplained shift in thinking lke this?

Hi :wave:
I can’t say that l always can be positive about having a chronic illness!! However your words do make me realise that keeping in touch with people, having a focus to my day and smiling about something little has a huge mental boost and takes my mind away from those ‘black days’
Good luck :wink:

Hephaestus for the Greek god? I have times like this off and on over the last 30 years. I have found I feel better when I am around other people and exercise. Reading is the thing I enjoy most. I try and find positive things each day.

Hello RedHephaestus!

I am a new member as well, nice to meet you!

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a few years ago and I went through a similar thing right before and soon after my diagnosis. I was very depressed and was okay with being isolated.
After my diagnosis I was put on many different types of medications for my fibromyalgia that didn’t work. It was very depressing and a struggle for me to even want to accept what I was diagnosed with.
Fast foward a year and something just changed in me where I was just so sick of myself and wanted to do something to help myself. I began researching Fibromyalgia myself and began having open discussions with my doctor about it. I have found that by changing my diet and incorporating exercises that I can handle with my condition truly changed my perspective and wow, my life has been changed since then.

I think its great that you had that “awakening” moment. Not many people are as fortunate as you and spend their entire lifetime in an isolated and depressed place. There has been research done that proves exercising and changing your diet truly combats depression and anxiety. Fibromyalgia, just as depression and anxiety, can be a trial and error journey to finding things that truly help your situation.

I truly wish you the best of luck on your new drive for life and hope you continue to find fulfillment!

  • Ariel

Yes, for me it has been the past few weeks. I think the warm weather and or the right combo of meds has given me more days of feeling good (if not painless, at least less pain). Feeling better makes a difference in what I can do and especially my mood.

Oh my goodness yes and I really haven’t thought about until I read your post. As a child I was the wall flower. Always by myself. As I grew older , I came out a little. Then when married and had children a little more. But I was still the wall flower. I was finally diagnosed about 7 years ago after being diagnosed with something else for 20+ years. In the last 2 years there has been a change. Like I said I didn’t realize it until I read your post. I love making jewelry. I’ve been
doing it for about 13 years. It’s a great escape for me. I would give it to family and friends on special occasions. They kept saying I shoul have a business. But climbing back on my wall, I wouldn’t even think of it. Then one day BOOM. Now I have my business.
“Owl Lady Bead and Stone”. I have displays in a shop and organize Artisans and Crafters Fairs…What a transition!!! I have no idea why. But you know, we live with one of the most misunderstood illnesses. Maybe having to deal with all the C___ that comes with it gives us a sense of…if I can deal with this why not take the plunge. May peace be with you on your journey :slight_smile: