So if youve not been following my posts I was finally doagnosed in April with Fibro. But have had some sort of psychiatric disorder since I was diagnosed at 10 with PTSD (read bio) So i have a history with this monster.
I have had some deep knee pain the last two weeks which has kept me out of my strenous job as an LNA. So I went to the doc but she couldnt see me so they scheduled me to see the NP. I was asked to fill out a paper as to my mental state. Do you sleep at night? Do you have scary thoughts? Do you feel like offing yourself in the bathroom with the plunger? You know deep questions that can only best be answered on a 1-5 number scale. So obviously being in pain No I cant sleep. Yes I have scary thoughts i mean what if Im in this much pain for the rest of my life? Pain can manifest in some people in strange ways who am i to know if im going to off myself in a bathroom with a plunger? (I answered No to that one tho just for the record lol) I legit thought I was going to be seen for my knee though I WAS planning on making an appt before I left to see my PCP about making a treatment plan. The NP made it out that the appt was entirely for my Fibro and made me feel like a hypochondriac in the process, telling me to strap weights to my ankles and wrists and to schedule extra appointments with my therapist because my depression was not well managed. The knee was an afterthought "Oh yeah I guess i should take a look at your knee" *shakes head*
Well tomorrow I have an appt with a NEW doc that I hope understands more about Fibro and depression and has more empathy than what my other doctor possessed. But I was told to bring a list of my meds and allergies so to make sure I got the dosages correct I was looking at my chart online and found my appt with the NP. It was labeled as a depression screening.
Now I called my therapist and she said that she would sign off on fmla but shes not sure the word of a therapist will have much clout on an FMLA form. And encouraged me to contact my pcp. I dropped it off last thursday but with the long weekend she probably hasnt even seen it yet. Though Im not even sure she will fill it out for me.
In the mean time im not in work and before they will let me come back I need a doc note excusing me for every day ive been out. I have considered disability but not sure if our bills could withstand going down to a single income household. And with all the charts about my depression it seems that im sure to qualify for that if not the fibro.
Im just lost confused dont know who to turn to because it seems no one believes me except for my hubby as he sees me in imense pain just climbing the stairs to our third floor apt. I went to see fast 6 tonight and im in so much pain from sitting still and the hard seats that I contemplated (while in the theater) to go to the er and try to get some pain meds there, so i can have one night of no pain. Im no pills seeker as it is i detest pill time everynight because I feel like a drug addict. (father died from suicide due to a drug addiction) So this is a very HARD feeling to cope with. So pills are not my first solution ever. I am just sick of hurting.
Idk maybe i just needed to rant... lol i just want to wave a wand and make it all go away. Mergh!