Bad day

Last night my boyfriend of a year unexpectedly broke up with me. I took it very hard and now it feels like I have the worst flu I’ve ever had. My entire body hurts, my skin hurts, I’m nauseas, and now I have a fever. This is the first time I’ve gotten a fever from this… Has anyone else had this??

Never had that but my prayers are with you. I am farly new to all this but best of luck. I hurt like that all the time but no fever.

Awwwww, so very sorry to hear that. I have been going through a really weird "flu". I am so dizzy I am walking around like a drunk person. I have had slight fevers. My body just hurts; which is actually normal for me. lol I have been very nauseas and my IBS is at it's worse lately. So I can relate to what you are experiencing....even the heartache of ex-boyfriend. I'm sending positive thoughts, gentle hug, and glad you shared.

I am so sorry Victoria. I don’t normally have a temp, but you didn’t mention anyother illnesses you have besides fibro. I know a broken heart can be terrible. I’ve had my share running a temp isn’t one of them.

Is there anything else that might be doing it like a sinus infection? Gentle hugs and you have my sympathies on your loss Victoria.

Hi Victoria!

So sorry to hear of the boyfriend thing, he is losing out, for sure! We are very fortunate to have you here with us!

That kind of emotional upset can trigger just about anything, even in the people who are very well, so it can really knock us for a loop! I just went through this, and mine hit after having several very warm days, and the barometric pressure plummeted, and the winds howled, and I went down with some flu/bronchitis like thing, with going from freezing cold, to burning up, the ache! Luckily my Rheumatologist insisted I have antibiotics here on hand, and I started them that day, feeling much better now, though we just had the temp drop again today, back to sweaters!

We're here for you, we'll help get you through this! Hope this leaves you quickly and completely and you are well again!

Sending chicken soup for the body and soul!


So sorry this happened to you. Sometimes people aren’t able to deal with our illnesses. In the long run I think it’s better to find out before you make a big commitment. Unfortunately, it hits like a ton of bricks when you are going through it. I have never had a fever that I could say was from fibro. Glad we have this group to come to for support and to ask questions. You take care of yourself ok.

Sorry to hear of the loss of a partner. I wish he would have been more supportive of you, especially when you need him the most. At least here you will have friends who do not leave you when you are in need. FMS plus the Flu = a bad time. Hope you get over it soon and know that you are in our prayers.

-Bill Sr.

Hugs. I find stress and emotional unheaval can really trigger more pain, etc for me. Hope you feel better soon.



Sorry to hear what your going through , you have friends here to help you through , big hugs x angie x

Thank you all so much! It’s been rough but I’m so glad I found this and have so much support from everyone. The fever must have been from the stress because its gone now. Funny how physically sick we get from emotional stress like that. I’m truly thankful for all of you during this hard time<3

Bless your heart, Victoria! So sorry your boyfriend broke up with you in that way. I know it hurts to lose someone you care about so much. In time, your heart will heal.As far as your question ... I have had all of those symptoms before including the fever. I have never found out why though. I hope you start feeling better very soon! *hugs*

I get low grade fevers quite often. I guess as long as it doesn't spike over 101 it's nothing to worry about. I'm so sorry to hear about your relationship. There really isn't anything anyone can say to ease the pain, both emotional and physical except that things will get better's his loss!

Sorry that he wasn't strong enough to be there for you. I went through a divorce Jan of 2012. Guess I'm going to have to find a lady that is also diagnosed with Fybro...

I’m so sorry to hear this Victoria. I hope you start feeling better soon. I went through a break up with my boyfriend recently also, I really loved the guy but things just weren’t gonna work out. I think for about the first week I was also experiencing really bad flu like symptoms, but things have gotten much better since then. Try to take some time to do something that you personally enjoy and that will help take your mind off your troubles. With fibromyalgia I have discovered that the emotional GREATLY affects the physical, and vise versa.
Hang in there, things will get better.

Hi Victoria,
I hope you're feeling a little better today, and I'm sorry you are going thru this -- it's very difficult medically and emotionally, so take good care of yourself.

Stress can cause our bodies to react in some strange ways, and flu-like symptoms and fevers are common. I tend to run a constant low-grade fever when I'm anxious or upset (psychogenic fever). Right now, I wouldn't worry about it unless your temp spikes above 101, or the symptoms don't go away soon--then I would call a doctor just to check it out. This might happen because stress increases our blood pressure, which in turn can make us feel feverish, so just kind of keep track of what's happening.

Now is the time to pamper yourself -- get out your favorite jammies, some comfort food, and a couple of good movies, and try and relax and regroup. You'll pull through this, and we're all here to help, since I'm sure most of us have been in the same heartbreaking situation-- just reach out, we're always here!

Big Hugs,