Bad pain day

My back awoke me today because it hurt at a 10 plus on the pain scale. Even with pain meds my back now my ribs really hurt. I am really tired of this. I have been fighting fibro for 12 years and basically feeling a bit defeated today. Hope everyone else is having a “good” fibro day ! I’m just frustrated.

I am sorry you are having such a bad day. Have you tried putting heat on it or a warm soak in the tub. I hope you are better soon.

A good long warm shower. Therma care patch. Pain med and muscle relaxer. A chat with a friend to keep my mind off it. Trying to stay awake so I will sleep tonight !

It must be back pain day. My back and ribs are hurting too. I left work early because it hurt too bad in my chair. We had a storm blow in last night so that is my problem. My arthritis damage is in my spine but that is not where my pain is as much but when it hurts…it is the very worse. Back pain seems to be 1 or 10. Nothing in between. Well, for me at least.

Thank you so much for replying ! It made me feel better in spirit !

I too have arthritis in my spine too ! (and spinal stenosis), the rib pain is something called Costochondritis, which causes imflamation of the connective tissue and hurts like crazy. I get it about 4 times a year, I hate it !!! So sorry you are hurting today as well. Hopefully no more storms in your area for a long time ! Thank you for your reply…chatting a bit is so helpful.