Brain Scans prove Fibro is REAL!

Yes, I often feel people are rolling their eyes behind my back.

Renie said:

Isn't it funny if we tell people what our own doctors say, they are still skeptical and critical of us, but they see Dr. Oz on TV, and THEN they believe it?

I just don't understand people anymore.


I have no use for anyone who thinks this isn’t real.Pictures or not.
Families who let a son or daughter cheat because the spouse is sick ought to punished.
If a spouse has a heart attack does the spouse go out and cheat?Vows are for better or worse in
sickness and in health!
I don’t have the money to try any of these supplements out there. I heard about alot of them.You can’t
try them all.

idk what it arent men anymore..excuse my french but there all pussies..when i first having probs my ex husband left me for another woman..which she ended up leaving him for his boyfriend of almost 4 yrs left me b/c i couldnt do all the cooking, cleaning, taking care of his 15 year old trailer trash daughter..i have my own child to take care and he's only 5 years i told him she's 15 she can take care of herself now..she's a big we're living w/ my parents 3 hours away from them

I understand completely regarding affording supplements. I take 11 prescriptions a month & have no health insurance. I am 61 & worked for 45 years. A judge declared me totally disabled last May. I cannot get Medicaid to help pay for the meds & my primary care physician. I am alone. I rent a room in a BARN with a shower & microwave but am ok with that. My ONLY source of income is my Social Security Disability check. I cannot afford any further tests or specialists. I was laid off from my job 11/07. I have spent ALL my savings,pension plan,life insurance, & sold furniture - among other things.

WHY can't I get Medicaid - if even for the set fee schedule? As a self-pay, there are NO limits to the charges. I was advised I earn "TOO much money through my I assure you that is unrealistic. My daughter always winds up 'lending' me money. SO if I had worked less & earned less money, I'd be entitled to benefits that are readily given to illegal aliens & Life-long Welfare mothers/grandparents. Do you have any idea how angry I feel when checking out at Walmart with a 'mother' in front of me who doesn't even speak English? Usually accompanied by a 10 or so year old child who IS bilingual & should be in school. They have a cart full of groceries AND can get CASH BACK.THEY can get Welfare, Medicaid,food stamps, housing,childcare,etc. I was born & raised here, paid taxes,etc.but does anyone care about ME? I get $16.month in food stamps.

you have to be on SSDI for 24 months before you can go on Medicare. Once you're on medicare you'll be able to get Medicaid as your supplemental insurer. I'm not sure why you wouldn't qualify for Medicaid now though. I feel so bad for you - I was in a similar situation. I live with my daughter and lost my house, car, retirement savings... Once I finally got SSDI (4 years) it was back dated and I was able to go on Medicare. There are some free and low cost medical programs - you have to try to find out where they are. Also you can order meds from Canada at lower cost. Research where to buy meds - there are huge differences in costs depending on where you buy. I found a local pharmacy that was far cheaper than any of the chains. Also Costco, BJ's, etc. have lower prices on many meds. I hope you find some help soon. Remember you will be able to get Medicare 24 months from the date you were approved for SSDI. Hope this helps some.

McBeth, This may help you. You can get meds for free or discount and dozens of other helps in other areas of your life...

I agree men are “cats”.The grass is greener"so they think".
As far as the insurance and prescriptions it is different in every state and depends on your
I have an old IRA that keeps me from getying help.I refuse to loose most it by cashing out.
No one cares if I need thst one day for a vehicle or other big emergency.
Everyone has different circumstances.You have to be other than white and have three kids
to get help.You literally have to be homeless and have nothing.
The elderly in my state do not get the help they deserve.They worked fot it.
I worked hard.
I have nothing against anyone of any color.So do not even go there.Do not try to correct me.
I live with many different people.

I absolutely agree. My 'other' Disability is being white & only had two children that I raised essentially ALL by myself. I often worked two jobs. Yet.. I always managed to be there for every sporting event/practice & so forth.Even taking in friends of my son's who were NOT on good terms with their parents in high school. I am proud of that. I fed them, gave mental support,kept in touch with the parents so they knew where their 'kids' were. NEVER in a million years did I believe I'd be disabled. I can recall waiving a pay raise so my kids could get health insurance.

irishroots said:

I agree men are "cats".The grass is greener"so they think".
As far as the insurance and prescriptions it is different in every state and depends on your
I have an old IRA that keeps me from getying help.I refuse to loose most it by cashing out.
No one cares if I need thst one day for a vehicle or other big emergency.
Everyone has different circumstances.You have to be other than white and have three kids
to get help.You literally have to be homeless and have nothing.
The elderly in my state do not get the help they deserve.They worked fot it.
I worked hard.
I have nothing against anyone of any color.So do not even go there.Do not try to correct me.
I live with many different people.

Women hold things together like glue.
What do we get for it in the end.
We get screwed.
I have a male friend who thinks the world revolves around him.
What abot me?
He collects SSDI,I still have to work.

reading all of your stories makes me feel very sad; I'm quite new to this, so I'm learning a little here and there. Is this what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life? Wow! I'm really speechless. I wish you all the best.

Take it from me,it’s not easy.
Buy you keep going to keep your sanity.
You can’t let it beat you.
I push myself to the limit.
Nobody is going to do it for me.
Thanks for wishing us the best.
I 'm glad this site exists.MDJunction went down the tubes.

irishroots, I think my ex M-I-L WILL be punished. my husband made a vow to God as well as to me, and when you break a vow to God easily, there is going to be a problem. She'll also have to answer for 20 years of cruelty. Even while sick, my husband was treated better than any husband I know (by me), and was adored. He had NO reason to cheat or leave. But you know, I'm now glad he's gone. Who wants to live with someone who doesn't know how to love? I couldn't survive much longer with all the work my MIL insisted that I keep doing for the family gatherings and for her flower business etc. I agree that you sure can't try every supplement. I only occasionally try something that I feel strongly about and find out that its cheap, and even with those I often have reactions, so I have to add something else to the allergy/reaction list. (Please forgive me for not remembering your real name. Fibro-fog and concussion together mess me up. I just have to greet them with whatever name I see in the message.)

irishroots said:

I have no use for anyone who thinks this isn't real.Pictures or not.
Families who let a son or daughter cheat because the spouse is sick ought to punished.
If a spouse has a heart attack does the spouse go out and cheat?Vows are for better or worse in
sickness and in health!
I don't have the money to try any of these supplements out there. I heard about alot of them.You can't
try them all.

I agree with you. It's a sign of the times. People being selfish and greedy and not knowing what love really is. My ex married both times for lust, not love. He left his children so easily, so he didn't know how to love them either.

txrebel32 said:

idk what it arent men anymore..excuse my french but there all pussies..when i first having probs my ex husband left me for another woman..which she ended up leaving him for his boyfriend of almost 4 yrs left me b/c i couldnt do all the cooking, cleaning, taking care of his 15 year old trailer trash daughter..i have my own child to take care and he's only 5 years i told him she's 15 she can take care of herself now..she's a big we're living w/ my parents 3 hours away from them

My biggest battle right now is with my boss.
I just pointed out that I was working too many hours.She agreed.
But then turned around and wanted more than three hours today.
She said shes the boss.Well if I end up not being able to work at all, it will be her fault.
She has been told over and over about my limits.

Irishroots, i hate to say it but most employers don't care about your limitations or if you burn yourself out for life, they just care about their business, and if you can't do the job maybe she'll find someone who is willing to try, but 60 hours is slave labor. More than just telling her you can't do it, start TACTFULLY asking her if she is hiring someone else to take up the slack for your "double shift" work. (You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar). If she understands that you are doing the work of 2 people, maybe she'll hire someone else. Because if you leave, she'll have to hire 2 people to do your job anyway! People will take advantage of you just as much as you allow them to. Do you mean that you had to work 3 hours today or 3 hours overtime today? You may have to start looking for a more bearable job if she won't co-operate. You now are considered to have a disability, and the disability act states an employer MUST make reasonable allowances and adjustments for your condition. It's the law! Research Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to see your rights, and even to show them to your boss. She could be sued for not accommodating your needs, since you have told her again and again. And if she fires you, she can also be sued.

Sheila.I am supposed to be working roughly ten hours.She has other employees.
Uually she is reasonable.I’ve been with her company for six years.
I think she just gets scatterbrained and I pay for it.I put my foot down today and said just three hours.
If I get fired I’ll go to collect and tell them why.
I thought she understood.
I have not worked forty hours since 2001.Well I tried and stopped eating and was so stressed I almost ended
up in the hospital.Neither of those bosses tried to help me.That was after my ex left me.
So now I ended up in low income housing.

OIC Irishroots. Most of us do end up under the poverty line when our husbands leave. I couldn't get into low-cost housing when mine left, so my choice was to be homeless and sick with 2 broken ankles at the time, or to move back to Canada and leave my children, who were in their last years of high school. Life is very tough, no doubt about that. Stand up for your health and rights. No one else will.

Sheila.I hear you.
Its hard everywhere.
I try to stand up for myself.
If I wasn’t a strong person I don’t know where I would be.
My friend calls me a tough cookie.I learned over the years.
After high school I started to speak up.

Do you know where I could find this info on the web? (pic of brain scan) thanks

Sorry, I don't. The site that I got it from years ago no longer exists. I looked and looked on Dr. Oz's site to try to find the Fibro brain scans he showed on the show, but no luck there either.

Best, Sheila