My stomach has been acting up a good while...I think they are going to do a scope again :( I will find out Wednesday. And now I am having a hysterectomy on the 18th of September. I just had surgery on my left breast in June to remove ducts and cysts. My body is out of control. Vertigo-apparently I also have meniere's disease. Spasms, twitches, tremors. It keeps stacking and layering despite all of the healthy choices I keep making...I feel like I can't eat anything anymore. This thing is taking over.
it sounds like IBS which alot of people with Fibro have and it runs in Families . I have it and everyone in my moms family and all three of my kids . I have had it for years . If it turns out to be it let me know and if you want I can give you tips to help get it under control .
I can relate to the stomach issues, I had been diagnosed with IBS long before I got the Fibro. diagnoses. I hated going to my OLD GP because every time I went he said the same thing. I began eliminating foods...then I went to my Dermatologist and he tells me I have rosacea ...and gives me a list of foods to avoid. That left me throwing my hands in the air. I had already eliminated FAST FOOD, baked potatoes, Chips, Spicy foods, all Junk foods but that extra list took out Yogurt, rasins, Marinades, Hot food (as in temperature), red meat oh I cannot remember them all but I was left with very little choices and not enough Money in the budget to allow me a special diet...I was reduced to eating like a rabbit. I could not do all that. I have to eat.
The IBS has caused me so many stomach problems. Bloating, pain and so many trips to the bathroom in a short period of time that it was a wonder I weighed anything. I go through long periods of loose and then a short period of solid and when the solid comes around that is when I begin to for me that is a change in longer the normal but the abnormal...They had me taking Metamucil which helps some to make things normal but I have had times where I would be wollering around in the floor with pains in my abdomen that reminded me of full blown labor. Stomach distended and unrelenting pain that did not let up... It came on quickly and when it would stop it was gone just like that... and I was just fine...These would last from 45min to 2hrs...I got my first occurrence at work because of one of these attacks. I myself am not convinced those attacks are from IBS but more from having my Gall Bladder removed and maybe now I have an issue with something called the Sphincter of Oddi...I have yet to get that checked because the tests are difficult to I am just waiting for the next one and I will be getting to the Hospital.
O.K. so Back to you... the scope... I have had 2... first time they found I had H. Pylori and ulcers, 2nd time no H. Pylori but an ulcer located at the Pyloric sphincter... and now my ulcer condition is Chronic. Oh joy lucky
Anyways I do hope you have found some answers.
HUGGS, Belinda
A lot of these things seem to run together in the autoimmune family, so at least you aren’t alone. The stomach issues are rough to deal with. I had a lot of problems with mine at one point, and was instructed by my GI to change my diet. I went on the FODMAPS diet, and, though it was really hard to do, It really changed everything. I don’t know if that is something you want to discuss with your doc or not.
Good luck with the hysterectomy. I had one years ago, when in was in the midst of all of the GI issues and it was great! Once I healed from the surgery, I felt so much better. A lot of my stomach issues resolved too.
I hope you get some relief soon. I’m sure all of this is really frustrating.
I missed the Hysterectomy part... I had a partial done in 2012 and then went back to have my right ovary removed in 2013. I can say by far the best decision I had made... I was also suffering with adhesion's which had my uterus, Bladder and bowels stuck to the abdominal wall...just freeing the stuff from my abdomen helped greatly but a year later was back in the OR where my Bladder bowels and right ovary were stuck. The ovary was stuck and twisted. The best thing is to not have the monthly issues anymore!!! YEAH!!! I will be thinking about you. Keep us updated.
HUGGS, Belinda
This all sounds so familiar. :( Sorry, sweetie!!!
Thank You <3
Thank you xoxo
Thank you! Hugs!!
Okay, everyone, I went to my other doctor appointment. I am such a mess. She now wants me to do a stool sample...ewww, and a scope from both ends...double eww. She thinks since I had my gall bladder out I may have dumping syndrome. We'll see I guess! Not fun. But,she says that is the easy stuff. The rest of my issues she is concerned with. I have to go do some memory testing and back to the neurologist because things have gone crazy since my last EEG.That EEG was abnormal. She says this "myoclonus" I deal with,constant twitching all over, muscle spasms, muscles locking up, vibrations and electric sensations are seizures and I need to get back in and get on seizure meds. She also wants me to do this memory testing for my eposodic memory loss. Here is what my health looks like:Fibro, pcos, degenerative disc, IBD, Fibrocystic breasts, fibroids, heavy painful periods, GERD, migraine's, Meniere's disease, eposodic memory loss, myoclonus....forgive me if I forget anything. The list keeps growing and no answers. She doubled my dose of gabapentin to 1800 mg a day, put me on vistaril for muscles and anxiety and wants me to take Cymbalta. I am so scared of cymbalta. Can anyone tell me their experiences on this drug? Or with any of these issues? I am scared. I am so scared right now. As we speak I am having all of these twitches around my eyes that won't stop and vibrations that run through my's unnerving. I just want to be me again.
Thank you. xoxo