Hi all. I haven’t been on much for a while. I have been very sick with gastrointestinal issues is all I could call it. It is making me feel very exhausted and sick. My stomach feels like it is in knots and I have been punched. I get waves of grumbling pain. My doc has ordered an ultrasound and other tests after that but it may take a while and he said he honestly isn’t sure what it is. Had anyone else gone through anything similar and can give me am idea?? He has suggested that next times it’s really bad which won’t be far away to go to the hospital and they can try sort it out. But hospitals don’t always know a lot about auto immune diseases etc. I need some guidance here please if you can. I am getting desperate. I can’t hold my little weight very well either
I had gastritis and was in the hospital for a week last year with these symptoms. Their are several things that can cause this. I would probably go to the hospital next time it happened they may go ahead and do the ultrasound and other test. Let us know what happens.
Thank you both. I had to have a hystertomy at 27, a long time ago. They haven’t ruled anything out yet.
Robyn, there is one area where I can certainly help you. I have excess weight that I would gladly give you.........if only it were that easy.
My stomach issues are with GERD and they are very painful and wear me out just dealing with that excruciating pain. I hope some people in this membership can help you with this........if they have experienced it.
Hi Robin, I have IBS and live with constant gastrointestinal issues so I can relate. However something happened to me in September that made me realize I should never ignore pain signals from my body. I had just eaten dinner and about 20 minutes later started having severe stomach pain. It felt like when you eat too much and your stomach is so full it hurts only much more intense. I really hadn’t eaten much for dinner so it didn’t make sense. Since I am always dealing with stomach pain due to IBS, I just figured it was a really bad case of that. I took some antacid and went to sleep early. When I awoke the next morning to go to work I was still experiencing severe pain. I couldn’t even stand up straight in the shower it hurt so bad. I decided I better go to the ER and get checked out. This would not be the first time I have gone to the ER because of a severe stomachache. I fully expected them to run every test in the book and tell me that they couldn’t find anything wrong since this is what had always happened in the past. However that was not the case. After doing a CAT scan the GI dr. came in and told me that they would have to do emergency surgery because I had an internal strangulated hernia. He told me if I had not gone in when I did my bowel would have ruptured and I probably would have died. I am not trying to frighten you but just letting you know that if you have severe pain it could be something serious and it’s better to get it checked out. Better safe than sorry right? I hope they figure out what’s wrong with you and I’ll keep you in my prayers.
Gentle hugs