COLD Water is Helping

Hi All --

My best friend has an unheated pool so I got the idea (and the nerve) to jump into the cold water one painful day. I stayed in for about 15 minutes, sitting on a styrofoam noodle and got out feeling a lot better. We put an ice pack on a boo-boo, but when the boo-boo is your whole body this might be the next best thing! ab

That's a great idea, Amy, thanks for sharing. Happy floating!

That's good. I'm glad it helped you. Cold water or anything cold for that matter doesn't react well to my body. I freeze more. It could be a nice hot day but it will feel warm to me. I'll go swimming with my husband and I can only stand being in the water for 5-15 minutes. depends on the day.

I use ice packs on painful areas sometimes and it helps. I might have to try the cold water. I can't do heating pads or hot water as it makes me faint.

I met a lady at the doctor's office who uses cold packs on her tender points. She said it stops the flare if she can catch it early. I tried it and it does the opposite for me. Winter or even a cold room brings on a flair. However, when my toes are hurting I find a cold pack helps. During the last cold front I was in a full body flare and I had cold packs on my feet and hot pad on my back, neck and upper legs. I think my body is confused. Be well.

Mine is the same way Nova, the cold on my body makes it ache something horrible. Now a nice lukewarm shower feels good, or a swimming pool on a hot day, but that is as far as I can go. Even though real hot water makes me feel weak, a Jacuzzi or a real hot bath in Epson salt, lavender scent does me wonders.

Bravo for the suggestion! I'll try it next week when I have access to the pool that hasn't heated up yet.

Keep you posted.


Great news!!! I’m thrilled that it helped you so much. Be sure to get a pool key from your buddy…just in case you wake up in pain during the night. :slight_smile:


Hi Amy

I am glad this helped. I am one of those people who be leave if it works go for it. I hope you continue to do well.

I agree with you.i own a pool,in Texas,and it is in total shade,and always a perfect temperature.I often jump in even with clothes on and it feels so good!