Curious about a new approach, want opinions!

Please go to the above site and let me know your opinions on this. One of my co workers has psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. He is a member of an online support community similar to ours. He said they were sharing this info on that site and he started following the advice. After 5 weeks his symptoms are nearly gone, he has no pain, and he has lost a few pounds. I am seriously considering trying this out!

Has anyone attempted this for Fibro? If so, what were your results?

Hi Jennifer,

I slowly adapted to this anti-inflammatory diet with the onset of all of this, which was kicked off by the third rear end car accident, before I had a full dx of PsA without the P, and other autoimmune. I did this under the guidance of my DC.

I slowly went into a full anti-inflammatory, vegetarian diet, that I refer to as 'weeds and seeds'! I did not feel better, and got pretty weak, my DC told me that we are meat and we need to eat meat, that I needed the strength, so then it was weeds, seeds and grass fed beef, which is like going out and pulling up the lawn and chewing on it!

I honestly never felt any better, though I know some swear it has made a huge difference in their life, some have eliminated gluten, dairy, sugar, nightshades, apples, and various other foods and it has made a difference for the better in their health.

When my Rheum and I were discussing surgery for my spinal stenosis, he said he did not think that having that operated on at this time would make any difference in the pain level, that the fact that Daypro helped my pain more than anything, and that my pain is hard regardless of my movement or body position, it tells him the pain is inflammation induced. So I asked if he thought I should go back on the anti-inflammatory diet, and he said that because of the high amount that these systemic autoimmune diseases cause, that unless there is a food allergy/intolerance, it would be like a drop of water in the swimming pool.

Though this is my story at this moment, it may change, and surely you will hear from those who will tell you how much this way of eating has helped them! I think it's all individual. I did not go over your profile to see if you have any other things besides fibro that you are dealing with, and as controversial as FMS is, it is still the consensus that it is not an inflammatory disease. Right? You know, I wonder if we will ever have a complete, satisfactory definition to this condition!

Wishing you well,


Thank you for your input on this. I will not be doing aanything without talking to my doctor, but still lke knowing ifothers have tried the things I research and/or try!!

You are welcome, my Rheumatologist is board certified in Internal Medicine, Rheumatology, and Clinical Immunology, is Asst Professor of Clinical Medicine at Univ of W Va, so I value his opinion, however I commend you for checking with your Doctor, even if you are a nurse!

Our moderator dee b is also a nurse, and she went to a specialist about possible food sensitivities, and was astounded by the finding, she had many more sensitivities and allergies than she dreamed. She has modified her diet and feels much better, I am sure that she would be delighted to talk to you about this!

Good luck Jennifer, I wish you well,