Hi all, My husband found this documentary on Fibromyalgia a few years ago and it's been a lot of help, at least at getting a general overall picture of Fibro and having hope that things can get better. It can also be a nice/good start to help family and friends understand a little what we're going through.
Found this Discovery Channel special on pain from a newsletter sent out by ChronicBabe.com. It is an awesome film, that will hopefully help a lot of people!
I watched the second video in the link and it was very positive and validating. I sent the link to a coworker/friend who has been there for me through all the fibro madness so she could have a better understanding. She is wonderful and always says she wish she could do something to take away my pain. I tell her she already lessens it by just being there for me. I really appreciate this link it made me remember all those people I am truly thankful for in my life and that things could always be worse. Very uplifting thanks again.