I am so tired. I want to give up so bad and just stop trying but we all know that's impossible to do even if I really wanted to.
I've been in a flare up that doesn't seem to go away. I can't move or don't want to. My wrists are not getting better. I want to just SCREAMMMMM!!! I am so tired, I feel unhuman-like. . .the pain, the paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain. . . . . .
I just want to be alone. I don't eat, I can't sleep. I'm even more pissed that I have been reduced to taking medication. I have taken Tramadol and Ibuprofen all of which I have taken in the past but I hate it. I HATE taking meds and normally I would refuse them but the pain is too much to bare alone. . .crying seems like the right thing to do but what does it solve. . .NOTHING!! I am getting weaker, in the "I CAN DO THIS" dept. I really wanna lay down and never wake up. I am so tired of being awake and dealing with this. I was booted from the pain clinic the doc there didn't give a rats ass about me anyway (miss my old doc, wish she never left). . I am all alone, just me and my pillow and my pain. I am afraid of how weak my mind will get because of my self-destructive past. I'd rather be dying than to continue to deal with this.
. . .and people wonder why I am not religious, why I don't have faith in anything anymore. No one should hurt like this, no one.