Feeling Disconnected From The World, makes me so sad and lonely my heart aches!

Hello Fellow Friends, I am so tried of the fog and forgetfulness, everyday it seems I lose my way. I was doing really great a few weeks back.It Hit Me like a Ton Of Bricks and I got so sad Thinking Mother's Day was Soon Coming and How Sad I was Going To Be Not Having any company and love ones to celebrate.. I had been on a great healthy diet by that I mean I changed and started glutten free removed all unhealthy products from my pantry and fridge( costly I might add) drinking healthy green smoothies taking a supplement for my fatique, Buy and reading some really great

materials to help improve a better quality of life, was dealing with major stress in my life i've lost about 30lbs took about a year but its been slowly just from eating healthy and doing really daily smootihies that help remove the toxins from your body, going all natural getting my proteins i love veggie and fruit smoothies. So I wanted to start writting /blogging so i could share what I have learned know that others could benefit as I have.. But My Flares have been Chronic and I became so depressed and unable to handle the stress from rejection in my family and friends i thought i would always have. I am trying so hard to pull it all together but it is hard when your love ones,(mom,adult kids sisters ) are no longer there to support you.. My daughter lives about 12 mins from me no calls no visit, I want get in to any details here right now but I am heartbroken I used to talk to my mom at least once a week, she was always there to cheer me up through everything just her voice say baby or I love you its gonna be alright made my day, the past few months ifs complete silence and when I hear from her its short and always make lite of what I am going through. I know I have to move on and I am trying to do just that. I need friends like me that knows how difficult this is and understand what we are living with. I don't blame them for what they don't know but it hurts deeply I trust in God I know that He is my Only True and Best Friend. But I also need people. I have done nothing but stay in bed mostly and stair at the screen, i gotta get it together. Thanks for listening T

Praying God Keep Me In His Loving Arms and Help Me To Over come this day by day!!

Boy, Mrsbobbye, it was really, really sad to read your posting. In fact, it breaks my heart to know that your family is giving you radio silence over a medical illness that you cannot control. I am wondering if you have a pastor or reverend who might be able to speak to them for you about how much you need them? I know that is suggesting something that I shouldn't pry into but I hope you can find a person who could help you get through to them. A counselor? A doctor? Nurse? Friend whom they respect? Maybe there isn't anyone. I'm so sorry about this. It can't feel good knowing that they are not on the same page as you.

So please come here. We aren't your family but we do understand how you feel with this awful illness. We all have the same struggles and won't judge you for yours. All you can do is do the best you can, just like everyone else. You don't have to try to be strong for us or pretend you're not feeling pain and fatigue. It's okay to tell us how you're really doing. Maybe if you find enough support here you won't feel like you need it as much from your family and they might chill out. I hope so.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep in contact so we know how you're doing, ok?



Mrs. Bobbye,

You know what they say you are only responsible for what you do. So long as you make yourself available then you're doing your part. As for your children maybe it could be that they feel awkward and dont know what to say to you or how to help you. And you know its gonna be alright we just gotta keep it pushing its not good to stay bed bound, our bodies need some form of exercise. If no one else cares Mrs. Bobbye know that I do and that I know that might not be enough of a substitute for your absent mother, children, and siblings for support but I am and I might miss you online BUT I friended you dont hesitate to send me a message i always read them and reply if I catch the question

Hello friend,

I am glad you can really say how you feel. Yes God is our dearest friend but he made us social animals and we need human contact. I am very lucky I am staying with my daughter and her family. I have 4 grandchildren who will not let me get sad. I am however going to start counseling next week. Do you have a church family. They should come over and pray with you. It is very hard not having anyone who understands what you are going through. My mother is the exact opposite-she would have me in a nursing home at 45 years of age. I dont work right now but I try to stay busy. I like to read psalms King David wrote some very uplifting words for our Lord and I can usually find one that makes me smile. I know that this disease is really hard on us I will keep you in my prayers.

I completely understand what you are going through. My family is all about getting the most out of life and I'm just not up to par so they don't invite me to their new lake cabin or to shop, etc.....It hurts my feelings but I have to take responsibility in that I don't call them either. I feel I don't have anything to say really unless it pertains to a holiday, marriage, or some major event involving the family. I went out last night for the first time in a long time with my niece and nephew and it was wonderful. We had the best time. I told them we should get together at least once a month and do the same thing, they agree. It really lifted my spirits. I'm like you in that I've changed my diet and what I drink trying to be healthier and to feel better. It has helped but I still have those days where it's just a no go. You are in the right place to tell your story and to meet people with many of the same experiences. I feel like I'm talking to myself at times because so many share the same symptoms and have experienced the same alienation. Just know you are not alone here. Many blessings to you!

thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me i am very grateful. I am going to make it my goal to take full advantage of control over my life, i am exhausted tonight and can barly stay focused, so i am forcing my self to not let this win i did not want to wait any longer to thank you.. for now i will keep it short and try to reply to a few others that reached out to me. I look forward to getting to know you and the other members, I thank God for leading me to this group, to Him be the glory don't know how I can make if not for His mercy, I feel I have hope.. Have a good night and blessings to you as well

Hello Petunia I will reply to you tomorrow, I am just exhausted and can't think well going to go in chat for a while maybe somme one is in there and i could just listen.. I just wanted to say thank you and let you khow just how much i appreciate your concern for me and my situtaion will look forward to talking to you soon. Thanks especially for your prayers. To God Be The Glory

Love and Blessings to You!

Hello Bevie Will Write you tomorrw Thanks for the love I love the book of Psalms . God Bless You

Thank You So Much I will Reply tomorrow brain fog and exhausted but want u to i appreciate the love you shown to me!!! Gentle Hugs to You

No problem! I totally understand the exhaustion. Take it easy and get your rest. I'll be here much of the time, in case you'd like to talk more.



Mrs. Bobbe,

I agree with Lovett. You sound like such a strong women and I know how hard it is when your family doesn't seem to be there when you need them. I was really excited when you spoke of the blog that you wanted to start about your healthy eating and how you've lost 30 lbs. I've also starting eating healthy and doing shakes and would love to hear what shakes you are making. I'm just doing a copy cat of Tropical Smoothies Green Machine, I think that is what its called.

Gentle hugs to you and remember our family has their own issues going on and forget that we need them as well. I say that as a daughter of a strong mother who had MS for over 20 years and I know she would have loved to hear from me more often than I found the time to call. And now that she's gone I wish I had made the time to call her daily/weekly/monthly but I got caught up in working full time and taking care of my family that I didn't see her needs.

More gentle hugs,


Hello Stacey and thanks so much I am still off track right now some times its harder

than others to get back on routine, but it has helped so much to reach out and get
feedback and love and hugs from everyone. I might be silent or at least not on
line for a minute I have to do so much catching up with daily chores and paper work I
Don't know where to start. But I will be so happy to share with you. I have the Nutri.Bullet
and most recent I bought A Vitamix I love it.. I Need Help in
setting up a blog page any body knows how to get started I would really appreciate
the help.. My Brain Fog limits my time on the pc sometimes all i can do is stare
at the screen because I just can't focus but I'm working on it..maybe i will be able to
get in chat later tonight.. Thanks Again Love Blessings and Gentle Hugs

Mrs. Bobbye, I hope your day is better than the day that you wrote this message. I know how hard it can be when you first get a fibro diagnosis. Your head is still reeling from getting this ill, and then to finally get confirmation that you really are that sick, well, it can take the moxie out of you.

I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.

Take care,
