Feeling guilty!

Morning x feeling low and guilty today , my husband has been understsnding through this , but late, y he keeps saying he needs to have a holiday but he wants to go aboad , I hate flying but thats not the point of this , I can just about sit in a car for a space of time ! I have become worse , I do what I can , I travelled to scotland with him twice to see his daughter , which is a long journey , 3 and a half hrs ! I go away when I can of a weekend , I cant walk far anymore , so we chill . But he keeps saying its al, work and no play , he needs a break , I have fridnds round so he can socialise , they drink I dont anymore , I have an intolerance to alcohol now. I think hes in denial of this , im just not sure , x

Hello Angie,

Oh it's tough isn't it......lol !!!

I know how you feel, luckily my husband does not have any yearnings to go abroad but with my anxiety and fibro pain I find it difficult socialising and I too am now unable to drink, I was never a heavy drinker but oh I do miss a glass of wine now and then, plus my son used to think he had a really cool mum as I liked a pint of London Pride Ale at times!!!

They understand as best they can I think but that's not the same as knowing how we feel.

I know they need to enjoy life too but everyday is a struggle to us and these kind of activities in life are just an extra struggle. Should we put up with that extra struggle for their sake? I don't know!!

Perhaps some winter sun on your body might help, it would get you away from this damp chilly climate that makes our pains worse! Perhaps a valium from your GP for the flight might help (I know they issue it for that reason as I'm as ex practice nurse) it's a muscle relaxer and might help you snooze!! Also book seats with extra leg room, just an idea.

Love Lucy from sunny Essex !!! xxxxx

Angie b ~ why not give your husband a trip by himself? My husband and I love vacationing together but also like time away with just the guys or girls. In June, five of my high school girlfriends get together and go up north at one if them who win a cabin. We go for a long weekend or a week. My husband goes up north in July with his brother to my sister in laws parents vacation house for a week with some friends. They golf, swim, fish and do yardwork and repair the lakefront. He also does the annual deer hunting trip with my son and his high school pals for about 5 days.

It really makes us appreciate each other when we return and its great hearing all the funny stories that go on. We are heading to Mexico next month for my nephews wedding, so we continue to take holidays away together. We haven’t been on one together for over 5 years, as I have had 2 shoulder surgeries and my daughter got married in 2010.

I think we all need time away from each other to renew oneself. We spend so much time at home or in drs. office that we need time away when we feel well. And so do our partners. They put up with a lot if cancellations and it gives them something to look forward to, as well.

This is just a suggestion that works for us. I have family and friends who are there if I need anything so I’m not left stranded if I start to flare and can’t get the dog out, etc.

Take care, sweetie. hugs~ Sandi :slight_smile:


I have went on day trips and actually felt better afterwards. I hope you and your husband can come to an agreement of what will work best for you.