Feeling like getting the flu

I’m having a fibro flareup but it not more pain it more that i feel sick like I’m coming down with the flu. I also feel kind of dizzy. I’m not sure what to do about it. If it was just pain I could take Aleve or something but this is more of a not feeling well situation. I had the flu shot so I know it’s not the flu. Yesterday was my 28th wedding anniversary and my husband wanted to take me out to dinner to celebrate but I just wasn’t feeling up to it and today is just as bad. I usually go to the gym every morning but today I’m staying home and taking the day off. How do I make myself feel better? What kind of medication do I take if any to make this go away? Has anyone else ever felt this way, if so what did you do for it? I’ve had this before but not as bad it just went away on it own but this really is bothering me. I guess I just crawl back into bed and hope for the best. Thanks for listening.

Hi there,

I get flu like symptoms when I forget an important medication. I’m also in pain medication so if I go too long with not taking that I will get flu like symptoms. I usually call that my flare up when my body feels like it’s fighting something off so you get the flu like symptoms. Sometimes my temp will elevate in the 99 degree range. My docs don’t know what it is but I always think my body is run down and it needs rest and fluids. Hope this helps.

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The flu shot doesn’t cover all types of the flu and you can even still get the flu strains that the shot covers but you just wouldn’t get them as bad. I’m sorry you are feeling so ill. I don’t really have any advice except to rest, drink lots of fluids, take Ibuprofen for aches/fever.

I have felt the way you describe anytime I have a flareup, this is from the beginning of my fibromyalgia 10 years ago. I have not found any medications that have helped the “not well” feeling. Resting does not alleviate it at all for me, I have found I only feel worse when I skip my daily exercise workouts so no matter what I continue them. The only advice I can offer is I have found out when I become really stressed with all the symptoms it just seems to make me feel worse. I try really hard not to obsess about it, however I still end up with times of stressing over it. I am in the process of changing meds, I only have a pain medication that minimizes pain but does not completely control it. In a few weeks I will see what med they will try this time around.

Is your weather changing rapidly? I noticed the day before a storm or when the storm is moving rapidly…i feel so much worse…

I think the flu shot is only about 50 per cent effective, so i hope you did not get the flu

I often have this feeling. It got worse lately when menopause started, and HRT helped a lot. When I feel this way, I want to stay in bed, but the longer I do that, the worse I feel. I try to at least make myself walk around the apartment a few times an hour, which helps a little. Sometimes caffeine helps with this feeling, but I don’t like the side effects. Often when I feel like this, my temperature is really low, around 97.1 or even 96.9, and yet I feel sort of feverish. I think maybe the caffeine helps by raising my temperature; even though I"m extremely sensitive to heat, I feel pretty bad when my temperature gets that low. Also, Tylenol helps a bit with this feeling.

I hope you find something that helps, and congratulations on your anniversary.