This article was NOT written by me, I simply wanted to share this article. The content for this article came from Healthwise
This article was NOT written by me, I simply wanted to share this article. The content for this article came from Healthwise
Thanks for adding that to the site. Would you be able to link the whole article? It may have some other good info too and I’d love to see it. I hope you’re having a good day!
I do not know about health wise but this link is from the mayo clinic and has some good info
Thank you for sharing fibro fog is horrible after my med change mine has improved
Hi GrumpyCat,
This was in the Research Section of my Medical Portal under Fibro Fog. I copied the entire section. I wish there was more too.
Welcome Lynnie to the best site on the web! I look forward to getting to know you better! HUGS!!!!
My husband has started to write down what he wants on his pizza so I don't forget it. So sad I can't pick up the phone and place a simple pizza order. I have to say the fog is worse for me.
Hugs and hope you have a pain and fog free day.
Yeah this is so me I seem to forget some of the most important things. Sometimes It truly seems I am going nuts but one day at a time rite ? So ur not alone Lynnie :)Hugs everyone Wings
Lynnie, thanks for sharing this with us and welcome to our community.