Fibro fog?

A lot of the publications ive been reading on fibro talk about something called "fibro fog" so that got me thinking, maybe this fog is why ive been making so many mistakes at work lately. But I dont feel "foggy" per se. I just feel.... scattered. Like I cant concentrate on anything. When I HAVE concentrate on something it takes a lot out of me.

So I am an LNA at a county nursing home. I love my job. However ive been getting into trouble a LOT lately. And its all silly stupid stuff. Like Friday I put a resident in the wrong wheelchair. I know what chair the resident was supposed to be in becuase ive taken care of her for a year now. But I still grabbed the wrong chair. (In my defense the one i grabbed was the same design only simply the wrong color.) This has been the habit for the past few months now. So now im in this routine of OMG will today be the day im going to be fired? So I worry more about making a mistake thereby making more mistakes. Now im starting to get afraid that I might hurt someone.

Apart from the concentration. Ive always had a vast vocabulary. I excel in conversation, often times im downright loquacious. However now im having a horrible time finding words. It took my almost 5 minutes the other day to remember the word trash bag while I was looking at the trash can. Then after 3 minutes to remember the words paper towels. I just kept trying to mime the word so my husband could help me out.

My questions is: Is this what fibro fog is like? Or am I just losing my mind?

No, you aren't losing your mind and yes, this sounds like it's fibro fog. Becoming forgetful, forgetting things and words is a biggie with fibro fog. And it's soooo frustrating because the word is tickling at your mind but you can't remember it! And it's usually easy, commonplace words, too.

As for the forgetfulness, it's horrible because you make minor mistakes and end up being nervous about making more. It's nerve wracking. The effort that our body puts in to fighting this illness seems to sap us of our mental energy. When I'm tired, the mistakes multiply.

I really do sympathize with you but don't worry about losing your mind; you won't. Try to be as well rested as you can be because being tired does make it worse.

Hugs and sympathy,


Its making it almost impossible to do my job. I dont know if I should tell my boss about whats going on or just continue to do my job as best I can while worrying about being fired because of the "fog". Or is this something that is going to put me on disability? Cuz while i love my kids (17mo and 5) i feel like they are plotting my demise everyday haha.

ohh please talk to your boss! i have been fired twice for fibrofog! and for learning to mop and sweep while sitting in a chair.

You have said what I live daily and I too am a person who has much pride in my vocabulary and speaking abilities... I too am finding myself reduced to staring at a simple thing trying to pull the word out of my mouth to the point I imagine just hitting myself over the head. No you are not losing your mind. I am very new to all of the terms in this illness, and fibro fog is a new one for me too but I know it well now. Too well.

I am right there with you. What you are experiencing is definitely fibro fog. I struggle to remember simple things like what I am supposed to pick up at the store. I also forget appointments and struggle to find words to carry on a simple conversation. I feel so stupid, but I know it is all related. People without our illnesses can’t understand how frustrating they can be.

Hang in there. This is a great place to get support and understanding. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Gentle hugs,

The worst part about all of this is I was only diagnosed mid april and it seems to have been kicked into hyper gear and now Im about to be fired because I am so forgetful. Im trying to get into a new job before I get fired but I dont know if that will happen easily. Im going to call my rheumy tomorrow to find out if there is anything they can do for me because I am sooooo scattered and sooooo sore all day that I litterally could not move to get out of bed this morning for work. Hubby had to come in and help me move my legs to be able to move. This is quite ridiculous.

You are definitely not losing your mind. I felt this way too. I feel like a conversation is the most hardest thing and I am such and outgoing person. I tried ordering food and couldn’t remember the name of the food. How embarrassing! My job consist of talking to clients over the phone which I have done for the last 10 yrs and now i consistnly stumble on my words and lose thought ( I just did now too). Now in my new position they must think I’m an idiot. I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing even though i do. It’s horrible. Just hang in there. Xoxo

Hi - what a lovely name Fibro Fog - at least they recognise it as a problem - I refer to it as my brain swimming in syrup. They say that insanity is heridity - you catch it from your kids and then along comes fibro to top it off to be sure. It is just one of the many ways that this ailment that we are blessed with - I can understand your concern over your job, but I do know that any stress makes it worse. I have gone from being a workaholic to being unable to work at all, but I do whatever I can to keep myself occupied. We are a lot better off in Australia as we get all of our prescription for $5.90 and a disability support pensions I have found that I have had to slow my life right down and now just do what I want to do. Remove anything in your life that upsets you. I have found that the best way to help yourself is to find out as much about this illness so that you understand what is happening to you - Try to slow down your thoughts and don't let housework make you feel guilty - just do what you can. In my case I make my bed and do the washing up and ignore the rest - the world is not going to come to an end - housework always waits and never goes away - the more knowlege you can get about this illness and this will help you to plan your life around it and this eases the guilt that we dump on ourselves - Pennie

Yes it is and it is so mind boggling. I also first noticed mine while at work and it was horrible..You are not loosing your mind although it feels like it. Hang in there and be sure to discuss this with your doctor. It is all part of fibro and I used to feel ( well still do) like I was loosing my mind. Hugs Lisa

I was starting to think I had alzheimers....forgetting things all the time, in a matter of seconds. Finding words for simple everyday items is the worst! I feel like an idiot when I cant remember things, especially infront of co-workers, friends, family....its getting harder every day to deal with things like this :(