Fibromyalgia & Relationships/Dating

Awesome! Have a great time and behave yourself. LOL

OMG I just posted a discussion about this and then I see this. I have dated on person in the past 4 years, it wasn't a relationship more like an extended friends with benefits kind of thing. .or whatever...I got so used to him. He knew about the fibro and would do all he could to help me. It actually never became a problem for us. He would even ask his doctors about it and give me the advice they gave him to give to me. . .it was sweet. . .but now since we are less close as we were just because we grew apart, I am starting to date again and not having the confidence in myself to go forward. I tell them about the fibro right away because I had one guy call it bullshit to my face before he knew I had it so needless to say he was nixed. . .but dating is proven to be a problem.

Thanks for your feedback,Mo. I’m pulling for you,homegirl. :wink:

Date was awesome! I think I found a keeper. :smiley:
I hope Mo fared as well.
paging Mo

Awww bless you, so glad your date went well and good look with him, best wishes Vickie x

Glad you had a wonderful date! I shall keep my fingers crossed for you both!

As far as relationships go, I have been married to my husband for 6.5 years now. I met him late first semester my third year of college right after I had been admitted to the psych ward against my will by a counselor at my university. I was in a mess! I had been kicked out of my dorm because I had been so sickly that people were worried about me and scared of me at the same time. A relationship was the last thing I thought would happen at that time, but I am so thankful we met then. He was and still is a Godsend.

How he processed all I was/had going/gone through at the time, I don't know, but he was instrumental in getting my stuff when I was forbidden to get it after being kicked out. He lent me his apartment to live in the rest of the semester b/c he had moved in with a friend and kept it just in case. I also lost my meal plan, and he helped me with groceries until I could get that money back. Talk about a knight in shining armor! And I had just met him! Believe me, he did admittedly question oftentimes whether my struggles were too much for him, but, thank God, he deemed me worth it all. If that is not a miracle, I don't know what is!

Since we've been married, I have gotten much worse in some respects, especially energy-wise. I used to play tennis with him every day. We loved being active outside. Now, I often have to stay laying down most of the time and miss tennis and such most of the time. I feel really guilty about that. I know he misses that and so do I. It's a struggle as far as how much to share about how I feel and when because I don't want to burden him, but sometimes I do have to explain what is going on. It can be a bit like waking on a tightrope. Early in our marriage, he did, admittedly, resent me after I became unable to work at all. He thought I was exaggerating, or he was jealous, or he just wasn't sure what was going on. It took several years for him to be more open and soften on the issue of illness a bit. I had to be very patient and trust that he would begin to believe me and trust me. I offered him information, but learned he would only read it and take it all in when he was ready, not on my schedule like I wished he would.

I read somewhere that the divorce rate or people with chronic illness is somewhere around 75%. I am not the least bit surprised at that. Marriage is hard, but when people have to sacrifice as much as we and our spouses do, it can be extremely difficult. He will often tell me, when I start complaining, that he "can't hear it right now" or "can we talk about this later?" I have to respect when he has too much on his plate, which can be often. He shouldn't be the only one I vent to anyways. No one can or should endure all of that. I make sure, too, to tell him how much he means to me going over and above what most would. I tell him how selfless he is and most of all, I try to put a smile on my face and try my best to just have fun, at least pretend for his sake. No one can stand a sad person all the time. Every relationship is give and take, and ours are even more-so. I find I also have to work on not feeling guilty for everything I cannot do and also on the other end not feeling jealous of his energy and strength. That's hard on it's own. Sometimes if feels like we are on different planets physically or even mentally, but luckily, he is extremely patient with me and can often help me, eventually, clear the fog and understand his point of view during an argument or discussion. Often I read him totally wrong or let my own interpretation and thoughts run away with me, and he's good at bringing me back to reality when I cannot seem to see or think straight. I find I have to push myself more with him around, which can be a good thing, but sometimes I do have to stand up for myself and say I've hit my energy/endurance limit and must rest.

These are just some thoughts. I hope they make some sort of sense. Bottom line, relationships are hard and complex, but can be so meaningful and very much worth the effort.

Great topic ! My marriage of 10+ years ended due to my Fibro and my X's inability to deal with it. ( I didn't know I had it until the first year we were married). He was pretty cool the whole marriage ...then proceeded to unleash the Wrath of Hell on me legally for about 8 years of litigation... lying and doing all he could to take my girls from me. He was not successful but it drained me financially and left me with a LOT of healing to do.

I dated on and off for the next 10+ years... and I would tell my "boyfriend" at the time about my Fibro.... if I felt we could be serious. Usually after a few months of dating... No one left me because of it.. several wanted to get married.

After about 2 years of being alone.... no dating.. was sick of it all.. I met my special guy that I've been with for 18 months. We are madly in love.... he's seen me sick... and I've told him everything. I'm still digging out from a very bad "spell" and was worried it might be the end of us.... but NO! It's so great to be happy.. yet I'll always be afraid that it'll eventually ruin this relationship... but all I can do is pray and take it one day at a time.

It's very hard to trust..... but I do trust that God is there for me.. no matter what.

Try to be hopeful.... you never know what tomorrow will bring !!!
