I have heard of it as an aggravator and believe it has an effect on some people.
You may want to look into Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).
Both fibromyalgia and MCAS are very often symptoms of a dysfunctional autonomic nervous system (dysautonomia) or even the entire central nervous system which could begin to effect motor controls as well.
It's a very complex subjects that most doctors have not been educated in. But you can learn about it and see if it fits you. You can end up going in circles with causes and effects. It can be frustrating. But at least you know what is happening.
In a nutshell, mast cells are usually degranulated when you come in contact with something to which you are allergic. (degranulation - imagine a balloon full of 60 chemicals including lots of histamine that is popped and released into your bloodstream. It can cause all sorts of reactions right up to anaphylaxis). The histamine makes you sick and causes dysautonomia which then causes you to make more mast cells. See it happen under a microscope at http://youtu.be/VT7knZ6_8rk
So imagine if your mast cells are unstable, any little change can cause a slight degranulation. There can be a low level anaphylactoid reaction, just a feeling of uneasiness all the way up to full-fledged body pain.
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) can be a cause of dysautonomia and MCAS. A good starting point for research is www.prettyill.com.