Hello Friends! It's Awareness Month. . .Plus I had a question about a med

Hey Guys,

Been so long since I been on here. School this past semester has kept me quite busy but I finished with 4 A's and a B, that B should have been a A because the professor was a BEE with a capital BEE and was too strict for a damn keyboarding class but I'll take it! I keep trying to make the Deans list with a 4.0 semester and this prof killed that for me, ugh...anywho I am satisfied. Normally I go to school in the summer, but decided to take a break for once in 3 years!! I need time to work on me and always being in school for spring, summer and fall makes that hard to do.

Depression is sinking in and I am going to see a therapist at the end of this month. My son is driving me crazy by just being him, he refuses to do his school work and is driving me and his teachers insane.

I'm going through a flare up right now which is from overwork at the gym so I don't do the gym this week and begin again, slowly next week.

For the med question: I am taking 50mg of imipramine but I want to move up to 100mg, I don't have a doctor to go to so this is why I am asking you guys and I know these are just your opinions on the med but any advice on the matter will help me if i decide to increase my dosage. I don't have a doctor for pain, my gyno repescribed me these when i was booted from the pain clinic and he upped me from 25mg to 50mg thankfully!!! OF those who know me, you know I don't take many meds, this is the only med I take but I need to sleep and I think upping the dosage will help me to sleep and concentrate more. Obviously I see the mind doc at the end of the month so I may wait until then but what is your experiences with this drug? It's an anti-depressant? I've been taking it for about 3 years now. Thanx!!!!

Hi Mo, Congrats on a fantastic job in school !!! Wow 4 -A & a B that is something to be so proud of !!!

I’m not very familiar with Tofranil except that it is a Tricyclic antidepressant and does help with pain & sleep, I would recommend before you trust anyone ( Ob dr) to increase the dose, you discuss it with the Dr that is more familiar with the medication, just my thought, but I would think a few more weeks is worth the wait.

Hugs & blessings

Congratulations MoMerrill on your marks!! 4 As and 1 B is great!!

Yes we have missed you, but we knew you were struggling so we've been waiting to hear from you.

I am not familiar with the med you are asking about.