Hi Friends, Keep My Family In Your Prayers Please

Just a couple of months ago I shared on my blog about my daughters boyfriend, Dustin, being diagnosed with kidney cancer. Ashley has 4 boys from her long but difficult marriage and Dusty has 2 boys, ages 6 and 8. Ashley and Dustin have been together since late last winter. They share a house and he's been great with her boys and visa versa. They will both turn 31 this Sunday.

To make a long story short the doctors have told Dustin that there is nothing more they can do for him. He is going home from the hospital tonight so he can be with loved ones when he passes away. They don't give him much time.

I hurt for my girl. Of course I hurt for Dustin. I want to help, but I know they have many good friends where they live. Healthy influences for my daughter who has struggled with addiction problems and pulled through it. She is healthier now than I have known her to be since she was a little girl. The horse rescue ranch is there for her to go to for peace of mind.

Just please pray for Dusty, for comfort and peace. Pray for Ashley that she can communicate things that she needs to to Dusty and others and for her to remain strong in the time of grief to come.

Thank you so much,


PS I might need some extra strength too. This will effect my fm/cfs if I'm not careful, but I'm not going to be selfish and only think of me right now. We have Ashley's two oldest boys with us until Sunday.

I'm sorry, Kitty. Cancer is such a frightening diagnosis even when the prognosis looks good. All I can say is that doctors don't always get it right. My ex-husband's 2nd wife was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer 4-5 years ago. She's still alive, chugging right along, albeit weaker, etc. Meanwhile, my ex-husband, who thought he'd outlive her, got leukemia and died. So you just never, never know. I will pray that Dustin is one of the lucky ones who proves their doctor's prognosis wrong. I desperately hope so; 31 is waaaay too young to die. It makes me sad to even think of it. So I will put you all into you my prayers.

Hugs to you, my friend,



I'm so very sorry. Ashley, Dusty and everyone else in your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please be sure to take extra good care of yourself. Your daughter and grandsons are going to need you.

Gentle hugs,

Dottie S.


I will be thinking of all of you at this time. Please let us know how you and your family are doing.

Cherokee Prayer Blessing

May the Warm Winds of Heaven

Blow softly upon your house.

May the Great Spirit

Bless all who enter there.

May your Mocassins

Make happy tracks

in many snows,

and may the Rainbow

Always touch your shoulder

Oh Kitty

I am so sorry for you all as many are affected by this dreaded disease known as cancer. Your body cannot avoid being affected as you have been through much with your daughter and just when things were looking better for your daughter since Dusty came into her life then this cancer had to enter their lives.

Dear Lord

Please touch Dusty with your touch that his passing may be as painless as possible. Help him to be able to talk to his two boys and to Ashley's boys. Help Dusty and Heather to be able to draw near to you for strength in the days and weeks ahead. Help them to be able to communicate to each other the things from their hearts. Carry Ashley through the difficult days ahead. Help her to lean on you through these difficult days.

Help Kitty to be strong and to lean on you Lord from whence all strength comes.

Kitty, we are here for you. You are not alone. Reach out to us when you need us.

Love and hugs


Kitty, I am so sorry to hear about Dusty. I am glad he is able to go home and be with the family. I will pray for the whole family to have strength including yourself. As the others have said. Please take care of yourself. Make sure you get the rest you need. Your daughter will need you so don’t think of it as selfish. You cannot be there for her if you are sicker. Much kind thoughts and prayers will be sent you way.

Thank you, Petunia. I appreciate you. Glad you are here!



I appreciate that so much, Dottie. I have two grandsons right now and have declared today a "we're not going anywhere day". And I am working on a puzzle with one of them. And relaxing.



Thank you for sharing this, Purplebutterfly. It's beautiful. I will share it with Ashley.



Thanks Lovett. I'm leaning. Leaning here and with friends. I appreciate you all being here for me.




I know, Rachel. Things have been so good with her. I am trusting that will continue for her. She has a good support system of these horse women.



Thank you ascarlettrose. I am happy he is home now too. I just hope it isn't too taxing on Ashley and his parents (who will there during the day time). I did this with my parents and it really leaves an imprint on your life.

Resting today. Even though we have 14 yo and 10 yo grandsons, I'm resting. They have both gone off, one with an uncle and one to visit friends.



Thanks Tammy. You're so sweet. I appreciate your offer. I am blessed to have all this loving care coming our way.



Sorry to hear that Kitty. I will keep them in my prayers.

This is Dustin and Ash in August.

Today hospice told him he is dying. Ashley is alternating caring for him with his parents (I hope). I'm thinking of getting a motel room there when we take the boys home on Sunday. I don't know what to do.

Oh Kit,

This is about as difficult as it gets. My heart goes out to all.

Lots of love,


Oh my gosh! Reading your words along with this photo of him still looking healthy is heartbreaking. He's too young for this. It is hard, hard, hard to understand why such bad things can happen to good people. Oh man, I feel so, so badly for him, your daughter, the kids and you and his parents.

Kitty, I'm so sorry. Please know that you can talk to me privately if you want.

Hugs with damp eyes,


PurpleButterfly, what a beautiful Prayer Blessing, so full of meaningful imagery.

When I was at university in Alberta I took some courses in Native American History and Nat. Am. Literature. The professor for both courses was a tall handsome Cherokee Indian.


Loving God, I thank you for Dusty and for the wonderful gift of his time with us. Thank you for the joy he has brought and continues to bring the lives of his family, friends and so many others, especially those who love him. Thank you also for the people who give him joy, those who love him, past and present.

I pray today for strength for Dusty in his body and in his spirit: strength as he waits to come home to you when he is ready and You call him to be with You for eternity. I pray for courage for his family as they support him and love him and surround him in care.

Mostly, dear Lord, I pray for peace. Peace for Dusty in his body as the pain fades away; peace for Ashley and those six children; peace for Kitty that she may know strength to deal with her FM; peace for his family and loved one in their hearts as they wait with him, and peace for Dusty in his spirit as he finds his true peace in You. As in all places, help us know that you are here with us, granting your peace.

May the days ahead be filled with fond remembrances of good times. May Ashley find the strength to smile and even laugh as family and friends gather to celebrate his life. And may Ashley understand that once Dusty is in Heaven, his pain has ended.

You and your family are in my prayers.

God Bless


Hi Kitty,

I've lit a candle in the little chapel of our church, across the pond in the UK, thinking of you and praying for you all.

Take care,

Love Lucy xx