Hopefully the storms are over, the tornado watches are over, and it clears!

The incessant storms are so very hard on me, and hopefully they are OVER!!

I just went through severe storms (had to constantly pull off the road it rained so hard) to get my grandson, he needed rescuing, did the Wal-Mart walk, to get everything I needed for him and groceries. I had my Mom spray me down good with the numbing stuff, but it's wearing off now!

I'm past ready for some sunshine, some dry sunshine that is, and don't want to have to move away to get it either! This severe weather makes me feel as though I'm being beaten with sledge hammers!

Hi SK,
It’s so unbelievable how this rain and change in temp causes such pain & misery ! I’m with you, soooo ready for some dry sunshine … Can’t believe I had my heat on 2 nights ago, IT’S JUNE !!! I hope this means it will be nice in November. Ok let’s not think that far ahead :frowning:
So what is this numbing stuff ? Give it up… Share, share, lol
The whole sledge hammer description sounds close to my … " I feel like I have been hit by a train " how in the world do we even function ? I’m sure hoping the warm sunshine helps us all !!
Thinking about you often :slight_smile: keeping the faith :slight_smile:

Hugs & blessings

We've had the heat on too! It's crazy, and when it clears it will be stinking hot with crushing humidity, however, there are so many members here from Arizona, and none of them sound much better than we do, Dee, so I have to wonder! You couldn't move away from your kids and grandkids either! So dream on, girlfriend!

Husband is home now, and he wants it bone crushing cold with the A/C,and I just cannot stand it, so the thermostat fight begins!

Hope you are recovering!

Love and hugs,