How is everyone Feeling today?

How are you all feeling today? I hope it’s a better day then a bad day. My doctor finally put me on cymbolta .Seems to help some for the anxiety . She gave me a good thing to do when I’am down an not well.she said to try to take away the negative running through my mind because when your down an out it is easy to think all negative, an sit down an write not think write all positive things about ur self or in your life an after awhile it will help you turn negative into positive she told me I’am sick an need to except it an try to learn to do positive things an always remember to LOVE your self. I hope this helped someone today Big Soft Hugs to you all Melissa

Hey there,

Cymbalta can be really good and helpful. It will take a month or so for the effects to begin to show properly. Keep us updated as to how it works for you.

*hugs* to you as well. I am a little sore still but not as bad as I have been at times. I hope you feel good xxx

Hi, I cannot take Cymbalta because in my family the drug mentally takes us out of commission (meaning that the person taking it doesn’t know who or where they are). I take Effexor which helps with anxiety, but hasn’t done much for the fibro or CFS.

Hi Melissa and welcome! It's nice to have you on this site and I hope you find it helpful and informative. We have folks here with a lot of experience with fibro who offer great advice. I see you're jumping right in with the great advice, which is appreciated. To add onto your advice, my physiciatrist said that negative thoughts also help to cause fatigue and we'll have more energy when we can calm them down. I thought it was very interesting to hear of the physical ramifications of our mental well-being.

I think your doc gave you some very good advice. Staying mentally healthy is one of the most important things we can do, in my beliefs anyway.

I'm glad you were given Cymbalta. I has worked wonders for me. It has helped with a lot of my nerve pain, particularly in my spine.

You are a sweet lady. Happy hugs to you.


Sounds like very good advice to me, Mel! I try to do it everyday! We may not be as good as we used to be, but there are still good things in our life, and acts of kindness we can do for others! I know that you give so much to others that sometimes there is little left for you.

I hope that with the help of your Dr, your new med, and your family here that you can feel better!

Thanks for the good advice :). I felt really good today and got quite a bit of my spring cleaning crossed off the list.

Hi Brandy!

Wow, what a job the spring cleaning is! I am still waiting for the contractors to come rip the walls and ceiling down in the other bedroom and closet, so there won't be any deep cleaning until this is complete. They had only scheduled one room as we were hoping it was the only one that needed to be done, so we are waiting for him to have an opening for us. They do beautiful work, so are worth waiting for, so far anyway!

Just take care to do a little at a time! It's a job where you can over do it quickly!

Wishing you well,


Hi Jrratis. I know Cymbalta helps an awful lot of people, and it's a wonderful medication, but I can't take it either. Sounds like similar reasons. Just wanted you to know you're not alone.
