How many take Calcium Citrate to fend off Osteoperosis?

I have read nearly all of your profiles, and see that some say they take calcium, or perhaps another will mention magnesium, or just vitamin D3.

There are a few different types of Calcium, but it's the Citrate we need to protect our bones. The magnesium is great for our muscles, and so very many of us are D3 deficient.

Here is a link about Calcium citrate, and I will also include one that talks about how these vitamins need to be balanced with the others to effective and provide us with the best protection against bone loss, and ease muscle pain and spasms.

I know that there are a few members who have a vast knowledge of vitamins, that I have learned so much from. Please share with us the vitamins that you take, especially to prevent Osteoperosis.

This is the brand of cal/mag/d3 that I purchase from my Chiropractor

This last link mentions algae cal, our member Allergic who is a nurse was telling me of one of her friends reversing Osteoperosis by taking this for a year! I am considering trying it, as I was recently diagnosed with Osteopenia.

My Rheum told me 1200 mg of Cal citrate daily, while my Chiropractor told me I could take 1800 mg daily! Always check with your physician before adding any supplements to your meds!

I am interested in any information you can include. Thanks, SK

I actually have osteoporosis, -3.5. I have to take script bit D for it!

I have the low thyroid issue in addition to the RA and the thyroid issue causes low calcium and you can't absorb calcium without vitamin d and I have very low vitamin D. I take the Caltrate brand. My doctor was very specific (he is rather OCD, LOL). The Caltrate has 600mg of calcium and 800 units of vitamin D and I take an additional 2000 units of Vitamin D.

I asked about taking vitamin C and my doctor said absolutely not and told me not to take anything without asking. I guess because I've got so much going on and he is treating so much. I do take Biotin for my hair and that is the only other supplement I take.

I take calcium citrate, have for years and years. No Osteoperosis, and I'm hoping I won't ever get any!

I also take an extra D3 and lots of C--my immune system is very compromised, but with C and using hand sanitizer every time I come out of a store or any time I am anyplace where I might have picked up germs, I rarely get colds or the flu.

Thank you.

Hi SK , I take calcium citrate & magnesium with vit d , It’s called cal-mag ( a liquid ) by Kal I take it daily & when I ran out of the first bottle I started feeling worse, so I thought wow… Maybe this is helping, so I bought another bottle and I take it daily… I really think this combination of calcium and magnesium with vit d has helped me Lot :slight_smile:

3 supplements I would recommend highly

Magnesium has so many benefits

Hugs & blessings
dee B

So sorry to hear you have Osteoperoisis, Jackie, and crynsugar. I was recently diagnosed with Osteopenia! Either of you take Fosamax? If so how well do you tolerate it?