Its getting so hard

So ive finally been diagnosed, even though i already suspected it. Im a nurse asst but couldn’t keep up with my job. I would be in Soooo much pain. To the point i feel like I’m going to pass out or when i get home i can’t ever walk. So eventually i missed so much work i got fired. I couldn’t do it. I now still have aweful chronic pain and skin tenderness. Its so bad that i have to wear certain clothes or material that won’t rub me the wrong way. If someone touches me it hurts most times or my rib cage is always sore. I have panic attacks. Really bad ones and depression. It’s so hard andputs me in a bad mood. I just wanted to reach out. Anyone else experiencing bad skin tenderness?

Hi welcome to the site.

Yes I have had this Lite weight cloths are my favorite. I am sorry you lost your job, I have been out many times on FLMA leave but so far have not missed enough to lose my job.

Thanks for the warm welcome purple butterfly. Im Teesa.
Yes i have my faves to. Ppl Wonder why I’m always wearing it lol. And i tried to get fmla but my job denied it.
So I’m just stuck in a hole right now

Teesa, I too am sorry about your job. I had to retire when my Fibro got so bad I could not keep up at work. But I got approved by SSD the first time thru. But you asked about skin tenderness? O my gosh, it is so bad. I cannot stand to be touched at all. I hate clothes because of it! If my grandkids want to cuddle up with me, they have to make sure they are beside me and not laying right on me. I don't know what to tell you. It is bad! Sorry I could not be more helpful.

Jackie S.

Soft clothes with minimal raised seams are so important. I live in tshirts and pants with elastic. Nothing tight. Yes. I get the bruised tender skin feeling. I tell people it’s like someone took a bg of marbles to your whole body. And sometimes everything I wear feels prickly. If I use less laundry soap this seems to help with that. Sometimes there’s a sensation of having a sunburn, when I don’t have one! Dress for comfort! That’s the best way to go : ) Roomy, soft. Anything too tight will also make you feel too hot, so breathable fabrics are a must. Like cotton. I think many of us have both depression and anxiety in varying levels. I have some VERY dark days when the pain and fatigue are at their worst. It’s the most I can do to try to be comfortable at all and I have to remind myself, that thank god not every day is quite the same with Fibro. I make myself remember that I will have both good and bad days. I picture the bad pain and tiredness like a dark cloud. And just like the weather, IT WILL PASS! When it’s really bad, do everything and anything you can to be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for that stack of dirty dishes you thought you were going to be able to do. Take everything one day at a time. Be kind to you. This is a hard thing to learn to live with but as time goes on you will find different little things you can do to help yourself through the bad days. This site is a great place to start. You are so NOT alone. We’re all here to listen and to help each other. I’m glad you found us : )

Welcome Teesa,

I have been out of work since Feb. and I was recently been denied an extension to my FMLA. Now I am being asked to resign my position. I am a teacher and I have come to the realization that I can no longer perform my job. So I am in the same boat as you and I sympathize.

I also have skin tenderness and can only wear certain clothes. Since it's summer, I have been wearing a lot of loose fitting cotton dresses. I have also found that I can wear loose fitting cotton yoga pants which will come in handy in the winter. I need to watch for raised seams because they bother me. I also had to cut all of the tags out of my clothes because they too bother me. So, I go for comfort. Otherwise I am miserable.

I too have panic attacks and depression. I think that this just comes with the fibro as many of us deal with this. I have found that this site has really helped. The people here are very friendly and we all understand what you are going through. When I am having a down day I come here and chat with others that understand and I always feel better. Just remember that you are not alone. We are all here to help and support you.

Gentle Hugs, Kerry

Thank u Jackie ur helpful. Im trying to get SSD. Its pending. I been working on it. It’s my last option. I can’t work and I’m stuck home with my parents because of it. It’s depressing. And as far as tenderness i can’t let my niece and nephews play on me. I feel bad about it but it hurts. I had to sleep in the bare minimum last night because of it.

Thank you Dhanni. I can feel the love. I appreciate it more than you know. Ive felt so Alone. I feel at home here. It’s hard because my family always thought i was just exaggerating and complaining and telling me im a hypochondriac.They still don’t quite understand i can’t do as much as they desire or i even want to. Im mostly in the house or in bed because of it. I do have good days though. And when i do i try not to tire myself out but others see it as a way to push me to make up for other days. Thank u for your kind words

Thank you Kerry. I’m sorry hear that. This is a difficult time for us both. I hope things get better or bearable. This site is very helpful and so are you guys.
I’ve had panic attacks my whole life. They are just horrible now days. I look forward to better days.


I get that about sleeping in the bare minimum! I too, last night had to do that. I went to bed with very light weight pj's on, woke up and took of the bottoms,(I did have undies on! lol) then the next time I woke up, off went the top! I have not been able to wear jewelry for a long time now, not even my wedding band. Not even earrings.

Do you know when you will hear from SSD? Keep us posted.

Jackie S.

You are exactly correct! Perfect description of how we feel. I love the marbles analogy. It hurts to scratch!

Thank you for this very picturesque description.

Jackie S.

I don’t know. Im working with a lawyer that’s going to represent me. Im worried. I hope i don’t get denied. I really can’t work. I don’t know how i got through the last two years. Nurse assistant work is so hard. I had to constantly pick up people, tranfer, and stand the entire time at work. When i use too get home i couldn’t walk nor get out the bed until the next work day.

But as far as the bare minimum i wore a sports bra and undies. I didn’t even want the cover to touch me nor lay on my back so i was super irritated. The doctor prescribed two lyricas a day. One cymbalta and i have Motrin… so far the cymbalta wasn’t working alone so i just started the lyrica too. It’s only been a couple days but ive been in really bad pain…

What meds do you have? If any

And thanks Jackie ur so sweet glad to find a friend in you

Lol good one with the marbles. I always say it feels like someone pushed me down a flight of stairs. Lol

Jackie I’m glad you mentioned the jewelry thing. I thought it was just me. I too get so bothered with jewelry sometimes. It hurts, or irritates me like tags on shirts,pants, and undies.

I have no support. I’m glad you guys are here

Kholmes thanks a bunch.

I kno exactly what you mean about the best thing to happen other than financially. I agree. My body needed the break. I was having a nervous break down and couldn’t handle it. Plus my anxiety is just horrible. I can’t even drive half the time. Or vomiting because I’m so panicky. ive been seeing a doctor for it for years and even have tried every med. My pain is so bad. Im going nutz. I’m sitting here now with the bare minimum

The skin tenderness is a new symptom for me so I get what your going through. I think the depression is something we all go through at one point or another dealing with fibro. Just know that you have folks here for support.

I have read articles that say its not progressive but my experience belies that. Anyone else?

Thank you. Everyone is so kind

Everything just seems to haven Gotten worse. The tenderness is becoming unbearable.

Hi Teesa,

I'm glad you joined us! Many of us don't have any good support, and we are so grateful to have this place. I have severe anxiety and depression, and it continues to get worse. Even with a Psych for years, I can't seem to get a handle on it --but I also can't get my Fibro under control, so I think they go hand in hand. I left my job 4 years ago with the intent to go back to work when I felt better, but that never happened, and I know it's just one big vicious cycle making me worse. It always helps to know I'm not the only one who struggles with these things. Hang in there, and good luck with your SSDI!