I do not necessarily entirely agree with all of this but here is their way of thinking as explained by my Rheumatologist. I always urge everyone with fibromyalgia and no known cause to go to a Rheumatologist, they are also an Internist, whose forte is diagnosis, and if for no other reason, they want to eliminate autoimmune.
The discussion I posted comparing Fibro to Arthritis by Johns Hopkins considers Fibro to be a Rheumatic Disease, they are the ONLY ones, but they consider fibro alone an autoimmune disease.
My Rheumatologists says that Fibro is a condition CAUSED by chronic pain, to treat the fibro, you have to treat the CAUSE of the chronic pain.
So as I would understand it, Rachel your Osteo is to be treated, and Aly, it would be your Cistitis! These may have been the very thing that caused your Fibro, no matter how long it has taken them to find the cause.
They do not want to treat a CONDITION with narcotics! The majority of Physicians feel that Fibro does not exist alone, it is caused by something! So until they find that something, most will not perscribe opiates!
I am not a Doctor, this is what I understood of his explaination. My Rheumatologist and GP are treating my autoimmune diseases, which they believe to be the CAUSE! When my arthritis is mild, so is my fibromyagia!
My Chiropractor does not like the term Fibromyalgia, he diagnosed me as having Myofascial Pain Syndrome.
There are also may Physicians who feel that narcotics only make the pain worse! Personally, I feel that they help me!