Just a taste of spoon theory!

Just a taste of "The Spoon Theory" might do some of us some good at this busy time of year. We get so tired and stretch ourselves so thin. This is just a reminder that it might be possible to explain to loved ones that you just don't have a lot to give right now. I don't know about you, but I've just been exhausted and emotional and hurting...running the whole gammet of symptoms. I sent this link out to some girlfriends in an email yesterday. Letting them know that it's just not here to give. I've run out of spoons and am hoping I wake up with some very soon.

If you haven't heard "The Spoon Theory" go to the link and enjoy the story. I hope some of our fibro family find it helpful.


Merry Christmas everyone.


Hi Kitty

When I was first diagnosed with lupus a friend sent this to me and I loved it. Thank you

Ratteld, I wish you the best new year and a very happy Christmas. It's been a tough year for you. I sure appreciate you.

I love your spoons. I might just steal them if that's ok.

Love and Hugs,


You're welcome Tina. Thank you for your support. I hope that it's smooth sailing and you have plenty of spoons to get you through the next couple of weeks.

Love and Hugs and Ho Ho Ho!


I am so glad that the young woman who wrote this has shared it with all of us with any invisible illness. I'm really thankful for you, pb. Glad you're here watching over all of us. I wish you many spoons.

Love and hugs,


Well, I woke up without a back ache. I still want some spoons though. This is awful.

I hope your spoons are holding up Lovett. We will get through this.

Love and Hugs,


Hi Kitty,

That's a great idea, reminding us to be mindful of our spoons during this hectic time. And sharing the story. FM'Rattled's illustration was perfect for us!

I hope you find a few spoons soon, so you can do what you need to do. I wish i knew where they grew so I could tell you where to pick them. I do suspect that they grow during the spring and are more plentiful at that time. If I had a few, I'd mail them to you!



Awww...Petunia and Ratteld, you guys are so sweet. Thank you, my friends.

Where is this town Rat? We should all move there!

I know it's serious, but you are very funny! LMAO!!!