hi everyone i just needed to talk and get things off my chest that no one eles understands
iv been more forgettfull the last week and it really getting me down as people keep nagging at me
it has been a stressfull week and i think that might be why my partners mums dog had puppies and she had 4 but only one survied and i had bonded with one that i was hand feeding so been emontioal
then my family have turned there back on me and my so called best mate also so feeling very lonly atm as it been getting hard for my partner and they been egnoring me there way of coping i surpose i just feel so down and scared
sorry for ranting i feel save here that no one is going to have a go at me or reject me like my family have done
wishing u all well xx
Nicole Jade, Sorry you are having such a stressful week, lets hope next week is better. Hang in there hun and I hope you have a good day. Gentle hugs your way, Robin
thank you hunim hopeing next week is better but have a feeling im going to be in bed alot as have over done it alot this week xxx hugs
Aw, Nicole Jade, I am sorry that you are feeling this way. And I am sorry that your family has seemingly rejected you. I know that it sometimes feels like my family is rejecting me and that is not the case. They are stressed by our illness also and sometimes the stress just overwhelms them like it does us. I am by no means excusing the behavior in anyone’s part but there are reasons for the way people act. In a perfect world, this would never happen but we are human and by definition, imperfect. Bonding with a pet is an awesome way to cope with a lot of things. They offer us unconditional love and give us a chance to nurture. Theya re relatively easy to carefor and don’t ask for a lot in return. My pets keep me sane and I even talk to them when I want to vent and don’t want anyone to have to listen to me. I course, I do this when I am alone so no one will think I have gone totally crazy.
I if I remember correctly, you are young and I imagine it would be much harder to accept this illness as a young person than as a 48 year old middle aged woman. But, I think that we all face similar challenges in the acceptance arena. Because this is an “invisible” disease, it is hard enough for us to accept and understand it, much less other who are less well informed and who cannot see something about us that indicates illness. My husband struggles every day to deal with this and when I have a good day and get some stuff accomplished, then he really forgets and thinks that I am “better”. Part of it is a hopefulness that I will get “better” and that he will have his wife back.
One if the things you can do is get some information regarding fibro to show your family and friends. There are a couple of letters to people from fibro sufferers that are really good because they explain things in a pretty straightforward fashion. A simple letter like that might go a long way. For instance, when I sent my aunt the letter, she told me that she had no idea that fibro entails all that it does. But, keep in mind that you can only provide the information- unfortunately, you can not change people’s attitude. I will look for that letter and post it here if I can find it. I know it has been posted on this site before so a search here would find it too.
Hang in there young lady! And keep taking good care if that puppy. Hugs, MB
thank you yeh i am trying to get all my family and partner family to understand but its hard i really wont my own flat again as living with some people is making me stessed out more my mum and dad dont underdtand as they have the attuitude of just take some pain killers and get on with it and as we all know that its always easy they dont like that im trying to get on dla and been signed off as they think i can work when im scared of working know as my last few jobs the mangers have been really mean about it calling me lazy and i know dont think i can cope with working but i wanted to be a vet nurse so if there is any one here that works in that industy and it is possile please let me know thanks xxxx
Nicole Jade, what a terrible week for you! I'm so sorry for the loss of the puppies. No wonder you are sad and blue, then add in your partner's, family's and best friend's mishandling of your illness. NO ONE understands the misery of this illness unless they go through it themselves. (Okay, Nicole Jade, I'm having an evil moment here imagining a doctor giving people a shot that would cramp up all of their muscles and cause bone and tendon pain so they could understand us better...I told you it was an evil thought!)
How it bothers me when people tell us to get up and get working! They have no clue of the pain we are in 24/7. And it's SO HARD to concentrate on your job when all you can think about is the pain.
I don't know what it would be like to work as a vet's nurse but it's an admirable goal. If you cannot do that, maybe you could work in a pet related field that might be less intense, like blogging about them.
Your feelings are legit. This illness stinks! (I'm a moderator so can't use the stronger word here, though I'd love to.)
Please return and vent away. It does feel good to get it off your chest.
Nicole, I have never worked in a vets office but I have been to the vet many times. And I was fortunate to have a couple of really good vets over the years. I think the job would be challenging as there are times when you have to deal with big animals that don’t want to be there or are hurt or stubborn. The list goes on. So, that is something to think about. The other thing is maybe you could work as a receptionist in a vets office. That would be a little easier as you wouldn’t have to handle the animals. Also, consider part time if you weren’t able to work full time before.
And I am not a moderator so I can say this: Fibro sucks! I could use a much stronger word but I am trying to watch my mouth LOL
an evil but very good thought lol I’m not sleeping well either then they wonder why I’m cranky I just want to sleep all the time just know my jack Russel pup ran out the front door as the idiot left the door open I was the only one that ran outside in the wet and cold no shoes on to get her when bk indoors my feet were so cold and to stand on them wad so painfull my partner ju
st sat on the laptop and said sould of put shoes on then and I had to ask for help getting changed as it was hurting my legs nd they huffed and got stroppy the night can it get any worse x
Well, glad I could make you LOL and forget things for a moment. Should we add taking their shoes off of them and forcing them to run out in the wet and cold night to our evil list?
You know, you did the absolutely correct thing in running after your poor pup. It could have been hurt or lost for good. If I still could, I'd do the same thing, so I'm saying a loud HOORAH! for you and your actions.
Oh poor you and your cold, wet feet! Brrrrr! Just not what you needed, nor was the being taken to task by your partner. Nor was getting the what for in getting your shoes back on. Believe me, Nicole Jade, I SO hea ya. I can't bend over well anymore, so good luck on getting on shoes in those conditions!
Poor sleep is a real problem for fibro people. Are you on anything to assist in sleeping? Some folks here take amiltryptiline for assistance in sleeping and find it helpful. I'm on nortryptiline, along with my Lyrica, and it does help. Or what about muscle relaxants? It sounds like you need to speak to your doctor about this as poor sleep will only make you feel worse and hurt the fibro (lack of stage 4 sleep results in the delayed healing of micro tears in your muscles brought on by any kind of exercise.)
You know, the more I hear of other people's problems with fibro, the worse of a bugger I think this illness is. It's HORRID. Bless you for keeping sane with it at all.
MBP, letters from fellow sufferers is such an excellent idea! Thank you for thinking of this!
PS: Been reading over some old posts - Love your sense of humor, too.
Thanks, PG! I haven’t looked for the letters yet cuz I got sidetracked but will try tomorrow. New med is kicking my butt fog wise.
MBP: LOL LOL LOL!!! I'm so glad you found the words for me.
Nicole: Another animal related field is dog trainer at Petco or Petsmart (if you are in the US,) and they will train you. I tried to do that but for some reason they stuck me on cash register forever and I couldn't take the standing without sitting or moving. But the trainer job doesn't look to be physically difficult. But it is full time work.
PS: Nicole, I just posted letters telling how to explain fibro to others in the "Is Anyone Else Here Completely Alone?" thread, so you can read them there.