Hi Crynsugar,
I don’t think Jeannie was meaning to tell people what to take-- but rather telling people something that works for her :-). So I really think that just offering a suggestion was exactly her intent. For myself , I truly welcome ANY suggestions from anyone here of something they tried…I need all the suggestions I can get as I have yet to find relief from my fibro, so I appreciate all “brainstorming”!!! And yes-- we all do know to run things by our docs! But thanks for the reminder on that, as well. I consider everyone’s suggestions on here like GOLD, as for me I am constantly experimenting to find things that help me with my fibro. It is such a mystery to us all. Someday we can hope for a cure-- but in the meantime, we are all after anything that helps! Thanks all for suggestions!
Wow Tammy, so sorry to hear about your daughter in law. I hope she is better!! Are you saying the medical personnel over dosed her on it? I guess even they are not infallible. I sure hope she is doing much better now!
Thanks for the suggestion of magnesium. Awhile back I posted that I drink cold milk and for some reason it helped. I thought it was a silly remedy, but for some reason it helped. It was not until you mentioned magnesium that I made the correlation between milk and magnesium!! Jillian Michaels considers it a decent source of magnesium as One-percent-fat milk has the highest amount of magnesium with 39 milligram per 1-cup serving which is 10% of the daily requirement. I thought the cold milk was helping, but, it actually may be because of the magnesium!! There are many food sources beside milk as well that I’m definitely going to explore now!! But I am also going to run the Bio-glen by my doc—as I was reading that there are a myriad of other problems also, along with fibro, that a magnesium deficiency may cause. We sometimes forget about the role vitamins and minerals play in our overall health. For instance, when my doc ran a panel for Vit D on me, I was severely deficient and he prescribed Vit D3 for me ( as I think one must be careful of too much regular Vit D, too) and while it has not necessarily helped my fibro, it is important for the body and I was lacking. So it’s a good reminder to check these things out-- such as magnesium as you have had relief from. Thanks!!
Hi Sarah,
I was reading that extreme stress can deplete it as well. Well, I have stress in spades!! I think many of us do!
Here’s something interesting about magnesium. And yes-- the right dosage needs to be determined by your doc-- but I was amazed to read this!!
Magnesium and Restless Leg Syndrome
The most relevant property of magnesium to the treatment of restless leg syndrome is its ability to relax the muscles.
More specifically, magnesium interacts with calcium to help regulate the nerves and muscles.
Magnesium serves as a ‘chemical gate blocker’ in nerve cells. It relaxes the nerves by preventing calcium from rushing into the nerve cells to activate them. However, when magnesium levels in the body are low, the nerve cells become overactive, therefore, sending too many messages to the muscles. This causes the muscles to constantly contract.
This explains how magnesium deficiency can cause muscle tension, muscle soreness, muscle spasms, muscle cramps, and muscle fatigue which characterize restless leg syndrome.
In fact, a lot of restless leg syndrome sufferers are magnesium deficient and this underlying factor can simply be addressed with the use of magnesium supplements and, also, by adopting magnesium-rich foods into the diet.
I found that that an interesting read!!
The source of this information is Brad Chase on the site-- Progressive Health. Here is the link for anyone interested in reading the article in its entirety. Thnx:-)
Thank-you Shelley for your words of support they really meant the world to me, I suffer just as much of all of you and I would never say or do anything to anyone that would harm or hurt there feelings. I am not well myself and am waiting on a phone call about a suspicious pap test, so this has come out of left field for me I can take well meaning criticism but it just made me feel bad in the way it was presented and addressed in a public forum and then addressed again in a public forum I am a patient advocate and believe empowering fibro patients with knowledge how they can take it to there doctors, magnesium does help in some patients with RLS it is a fact that it seemed to me not all were aware of it, my mistake was not making it clear enough and for that I apoligize
Hi Jeannie,
You are welcome. I was very glad to read the information, as I think every bit of info people share, is worth considering! I can imagine that you are very nervous right now waiting on your pap and that is something that would have any of us on pins and needles. I hope you receive good news on that. Please keep us posted! And seriously, I do not feel you need to make any apologies, as no one needs to apologize for presenting an idea or something they found beneficial! That is exactly what this forum is for!! Keep on sharing! I take every bit of information with open arms!
Very interesting information and the explanation in detail. Thanks for posting it.
Interesting!! My doctor specializes in FM/CFS. He did some study with a researcher friend of his and they found most FM patients have a calcium inner lining to their cells instead of a magnesium one. That makes a little more sense now. =) Thanks for posting!!