Hello to everyone and big hugs x, I was just wondering if everyone has constant pulsing , rushing , and serging in there legs , mine never stop 24 - 7 , its just constant and driving me mad .
I have been putting cold compress on but at night its stronger .
I have always had trouble with my legs. I take medicine for rest-less leg I find soaking in a warm tub helps and sleeping with a pillow between my knees. I have Charlie horses pop up all the time. Stretching before I get out of bed also seems to help.
Mine is mainly from a disc hitting the Sciatic nerve, though there are other issues for sure, like spinal stenosis, degenerative disc, and facet disease. It feels like the beginning stages of child birth labor.
I take 225 mg of Lyrica 3x daily and that takes care of most of it. Have they done any MRIs on your spinal cord lately?
Hope you can get some relief, ask them for some! You deserve some relief from this maddening pain!
I too have had the leg issues. But like most of us it comes and goes. I had those same symptoms for 6
months but they went away in July. But likely to come back again. Combination Fibro, spinal stenosis, and herniated discs.
Hi Angie,
Yes, sometimes I’d swear this is my worst fibro symptom. I know it is at least one of the worst! I have RLS, too, and take Requip before bed for that-- but that feeling seems different than the one you are describing and it is different from my “other” leg issue, too. My RLS makes me feel a compulsion to move my legs all the time when in bed and when it gets bad and out of control I actually have involuntary jerks and spasms of the legs. That usually only happens if I take my requip too late or if I am overly tired. If that happens, a warm soak helps, but a quick short term fix is drinking a large glass of cold milk quickly. I have no idea why this helps sometimes, but it does. And it must be cold and drank quickly! Lol. Sounds silly I know-- but works. My “other” leg issue however, is just a constant dull ache in my legs in the mornings and throughout the day sometimes. They just feel very heavy and achy and sort of crampy. I have found nothing that really soothes them when they get this way but straight aspirin. It doesn’t make the ache totally go away, but helps a little. Also I find that doing leg stretching exercises will relieve them a little, too. But unfortunately, nothing ever really makes the full aches ( it is especially from my knees down) go away. And even if I’m not in a fibro flare-- I still have the legs that bother me most every day.
I have the night reactions more so and driving me crazy too, I can't stand it, but I heard cold is not good to do, I heard heat preferable wet heat will calm a bit of it down and to keep your feet warm so the body temp does not fluctuate. I have taken a few hot baths in the middle of the night as I can't stand the feelings in my legs, they hurt, they pull, they make me stretch and them come back even harder after stretching. I can't keep my knees together while sleeping they lock up and they just plain hurt to do so, My knees are a mess too they hurt so bad, I've been really sobbing lately……….horrible illness to have. Ty for the hug :)
You know SK I asked the doc this week while I had my list of concerns ...I said could this be some kind of disk problem, MS, or Lyme, He just said I see no reason for further tests,.. but I have never been tested for any of this. Just another thought that was in my head and had to say about it . Hugs Lisa
I have had these symtoms that I see hear described ,and all the others in this feed,it comes and goes .I have had 3and 4 respectivly knee surgeries,and was going to have the replacement till I found I had cancer .But after 15 years I ahve had bouts of not being able to walk at all to feeling only the sensation of having burrs in my knees.But I don't think te rusing and serging are term I would ave ever used,as it is appening mostly at nigt it may be restless leg sydrome on top of the fibor. Just having fibor does not preclude you having a tooth ache or heart attack. So restless eg sydrome may be the same ,but other do seem to have had it.Have you tried treatment for restless leg ,I think I would before I gave up and just try to live withit.I would try anything to be able to not have pain all the time.Be kind to yourself you deserve it.
I have major problems with my legs, the acheing and the pain is intolerable it wakes me up and make it impossible to sleep my legs feel heavy, and walking and stretching does nothing to relieve it . I tale 60mg of oxy-contin bi daily with tramadol 200 for break through pain, but the legs are still killing me but I have found something that does give a bit of relief easy to get and worth a try MAGNESIUM YOU TAKE TWO TO SIX TABLETS ADAY it's well worth a try conventional meds do nothing to address this so give it a try you have nothing to lose Warn Hugs Jeannie
I have the horrible leg pain also it drives me crazy, I can't sleep can't alleviate the symptoms until I started to take magnesium it doesn't cure the whole problem but it great for the cramp and restless legs give it a try it is inexpensive and you don't need a script all the best
I also take lasic for my lyphedema,which washes out my magnesium .My primary suggestedI take 2000 mcg twice a day for 3 days ,and benedryle for simalar pain like a charlie horse. It took that pain away still have the constant back and knee pain but some of the leg pain and restlessness is gone .When it returns I take more and it goes away.
morning tammy , ty for your reply. I always wait to see my pain doc before taking anything ,x I see him on Friday , im flareing a lot lately , and getting worse .
still I have no break in my legs , and today and yest its my hands , fingers , legs shoulders .
iam still taking lycria and upped nortriptyline also . its just when the weather changes I suffer , and in the uk it changes !!
I don't expect people to replace my judgement fore their own, and the first intial thing I say to people is to get a god reliable GP I would think people would run by at least a question about magnesiun by there gp. Bio-glen is the maker off the product and it has the recommende daily dosage is on the bottle there patient information on the bottle suggests the dosage. I all so recommend to get a print out from the pharmacy which explains the pros and cons of each medication. I truly get your message and apeciate what you are saying,and you are right it should be used under a doctors supervision but it can bring a lot of relief to people from suffering from restless leg syndrome and many people don't know about it. so this has opened up a great learning platorm for me and may help many others so thankytou for pointing this out for me and I am sorry for any confusion over the issue Warm Hugs Jeannie
Personally, I welcome any and all suggestions on here!!! What works for some may not work for others… And I think we all use our judgements as to making sure we run things by our docs, etc. I just know that to me personally, fibro is such a mystery-- that to get relief requires constant “brain storming” and trying different things to see what may or may not work. I personally just really enjoy reading each and every suggestion that anyone might have… As I may stumble upon one that works for me!! Awhile back I said downing a glass of milk helped me at times and although I thought it sounded like a silly remedy to me, it worked! And actually, Jeannie, it was not until you mentioned magnesium that I made the correlation that milk has magnesium!! Jillian Michaels considers it a good source as One-percent-fat milk has the highest amount of magnesium with 39 milligram per 1-cup serving which is 10% of the daily requirement. So I thought cold milk was helping … Lol… But it may have very well been because of the magnesium! Anyway-- my point-- keep on throwing out any and all suggestions for me please as one of them may help!! And I think if a person has had a bad experience with something, then they can relate that, too, as it pertains to them personally. Then everyone can take this and that and try it for themselves! We all know that we must run things thru our docs-- I think that is just a given. But I want to hear EVERYTHING people have tried-- as fibro, to me anyway, is a constant daily battle and experiment to find any relief that I can!! I read every suggestion here!! So thnx everyone and keep them coming!!
Hugs to you ALL!! As until this forum, I felt totally ALONE!!