Lyrica and weight gain

Hello everyone, I am new to this site and have learned so much from your discussions. I have had fibromyalgia for sometime but just recently have been diagnosed. Yesterday the rheumatologist I saw prescribed me Lyrica and sometime down the road wants me to try Cymbalta. If this will help I will be so grateful but I am concerned about the weight gain that could be a side effect from what I have read about it! What can any of you tell me about it from your experiences? Thanks so much and may your day be gentle!

Hi Barbara

When i was on a low dose i didnt have any weight gain when the dose increased i put on over 50 pounds. It did help a lot but i had more brain fog and it interferred with one of my lupus meds and i had to stop it.

I had good results with cymbalta

remember we are all different i have a friend who has very little weight gain and has no problems with brain fog

Hello Barbara,

I've been on Lyrica since January but my system could only tolerate a low dose of 75mg at night, but even at that dose I am sleeping better as I'm not so achy.

I have not changed my eating habits and have not gained weight so far, but then I think that can depend on the dosage, perhaps others who are on higher doses will share their stories with you, which might help.

For me, the higher the dose went, the more dizzy I became....but that is me with a lot of tablets...some people tolerate it well at much higher doses than me.

Good luck and I hope it works for you.

Love Lucy xx

I am on Lyrica, and I think it works pretty good. I have not had weight gain BUT I'm hypoglycemic and on a very restrictive diet. I let them know I was nervous about taking something, so they started me on a low dose so I could see what I thought. Make a journal for the first couple of weeks, notice if you are feeling more hungry, if you are having odd side effects, and any other changes you notice (good or bad). Then you can take an honest look at it and see if it's right for you.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences and I really like the idea of keeping a journal! Thank you again.
Barbara K

My dose was recently increased. I can now say I’m gaining weight. :frowning: I have a dr apt next week. The pain is breaking through so I am sure it’s try to move on to something else.
I hope you do well on it.

Started 50 mg three times a day. Pain controlled for 6 weeks. Then had to increase to 100 mg three times a day. Weight changes occurring now.

Thank you for the info, I really appreciate it!