Tell us what you use magnesium for and what type is best for you.
Tell us what you use magnesium for and what type is best for you.
I recently found out that 1oz of almonds has 75mg of magnesium which equals 20% of our RDA
That’s good to know:)
Magnesium does seem to help quite a few fibro sufferers. I know they use it for keeping leg cramps from developing. I don't use it myself but have seen many fibro people recommend it. And Douglas is supposed to be a good, reliable pharmacy to order it from; maybe a bit more costly but works better, according to one of our former members. Like I said, I don't use it so I have no horse in this race and am not trying to sell a product or a company.
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute...SK, is that YOU??? Am I blacking out and coming to back in time, like say a year or so ago? YOU'RE the one who recommended Douglas Labs, so you can see that I learned something from you! :-D
And you no longer look like a Christmas present, you're a real live person now! :-D Girl, I am SOOO glad to see you!!! I know I said I'd call you but didn't but I was wanting to just today but couldn't because of sleeping during the day. So, can I call you tomorrow? Really and truly?
So glad you're back and hope you come around a lot again!
PS: I just connected to chat if you want to talk in a private chat room.
Okay, I'm confused again. It looks like SK posted this last year but I don't see any old responses. Confused, lol!
My fault. I typed magnesium & found this. So I could give my extra info.
THANK YOU for explaining, Luna! I get flustered quite easily these days! But it did prompt me to put a call into the author of the original thread, SK. So it was a good thing! I thought about calling her today anyway but my sleep has been all messed up.
Anyway, I hope you get some good answers on the magnesium question. I strongly suspect it is one of the vital nutrients needed that we are low on/depleted off.